
  • sensitive

    英:[ˈsensətɪv]   美: [ˈsɛnsɪtɪv] 

    sensitive 基本解释

    sensitive 反义词


    sensitive 相关词组


    1. be sensitive to : 敏感, 灵敏;

    同义词: sensible

    sensitive 相关例句


    1. Donna is sensitive to strong smells.

    2. I need some sensitive paper.

    3. sensitive的反义词

    3. The cost is not sensitive to the batch size.

    4. sensitive在线翻译

    4. She is sensitive to what people think of her.

    5. He is sensitive about his failure.

    sensitive 网络解释


    1. 敏感性:在介绍算法之前,我们先介绍一下衡量一个算法优劣的标准:敏感性(sensitive)和特异性(specificity). 假设待测序列中有M1条序列是基因序列,剩余的M2条为非基因序列. 我们用程序对待测序列进行预测,N条序列被预测为基因,其中有N1条确实为基因,

    2. 敏感的:14 B 逻辑推理前后照应 此外,因为人们不愿意看关于普通的日常生活的报道,报纸的内容还必须具有戏剧性(dramatic)色彩,而不仅仅只是悲剧的(tragic),敏感的(sensitive),报道不要太专业化(professional).

    3. 敏感型:答:我觉得王是属於敏感型(sensitive)的投手,或许对他来说有时候比较难去做调整. 其实投球不过就是重覆mechanic,就是不断地重覆一样的动作.

    1. 体恤的;体贴的;善解人意的
        If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.


        e.g. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs...
        e.g. He was always so sensitive and caring.

    The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.
    虐待妇女问题需要得到严肃而认真的处理。 词典解释

    1. 体恤的;体贴的;善解人意的
        If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.


        e.g. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs...
        e.g. He was always so sensitive and caring.

    The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.

    sensitive 情景对话


    B:What is your strongest trait?

    A:Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.


    B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?

    A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.

    B:What personality traits do you admire?

    A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going./(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit.

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