
  • open

    英:[ˈəʊpən]   美: [ˈoʊpən] 

    open 基本解释

    形容词敞开的,开着的; 公开的,公共的; 坦率的; 有议论余地的

    及物/不及物动词(打)开; 开始; 睁开; 启动

    名词公开; 户外,野外; 空旷

    不及物动词使打开; 展示,显现

    及物动词开放; 张开; 开张营业; 为(建筑物)揭幕

    open 同义词


    动词open upuncoverexposerevealbegindiscloseunfoldshowbarelaunchoriginateinitiateestablishstart

    open 反义词


    open 相关词组

    1. open up : 展开, 给...开刀, 打开, 开发, 开办, 展示, 开始;

    2. open out : 展开, 开发, 展现;

    3. in the open : 在野外;

    4. lay open : 割破, 揭露;

    5. break open : 砸开;

    6. be open to : 对...开放;

    7. open into : 通往...;

    8. throw open : 突然打开, 开放;

    同义词: barebegindiscloseestablishexposeinitiatelaunchoriginaterevealshowstartuncoverunfold

    open 相关例句


    1. open的翻译

    1. She kept her bank account open.

    2. The position is still open.

    3. The job is still open.


    1. The new road will soon be opened to traffic.


    1. The ranks opened.

    open 网络解释

    1. open:opening; 偏移量

    1. 打开(门、窗、盖等)
        If you open something such as a door, window, or lid, or if it opens, its position is changed so that it no longer covers a hole or gap.

        e.g. He opened the window and looked out...
        e.g. The church doors would open and the crowd would surge out.

    2. 将(瓶、盒等)开封;拆开(包裹、信封等)
        If you open something such as a bottle, box, parcel, or envelope, you move, remove, or cut part of it so you can take out what is inside.

        e.g. The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes...
        e.g. The capsules are fiddly to open.

    3. 翻开;张开;展开
        If you open something such as a book, an umbrella, or your hand, or if it opens, the different parts of it move away from each other so that the inside of it can be seen.

        e.g. He opened the heavy Bible...
        e.g. She opens her umbrella, and walks up River Street...

    4. 打开(计算机文件)
        If you open a computer file, you give the computer an instruction to display it on the screen.

        e.g. Double click on the icon to open the file.

    Note that you do not use open as a verb or adjective to talk about electrical devices. If someone causes an electrical device to work by pressing a switch, you say that they put it on, switch it on, or turn it on. It's too easy just to switch on the television. If the device is already working, you say that it is on. The answering machine is on... He cannot sleep with the light on.
    注意, open 作动词或形容词使用时,不能表示打开电气设备。如果某人通过按开关打开电气设备,可以说 put on, switch on 或 turn on:It's too easy just to switch on the television(打开电视机实在是太顺手了)。如果该设备已在运转,用 on 表示:The answering machine is on(电话答录机是开着的),He cannot sleep with the light on(灯开着他睡不着)。 词典解释

    1. 打开(门、窗、盖等)
        If you open something such as a door, window, or lid, or if it opens, its position is changed so that it no longer covers a hole or gap.

        e.g. He opened the window and looked out...
        e.g. The church doors would open and the crowd would surge out.

    2. 将(瓶、盒等)开封;拆开(包裹、信封等)
        If you open something such as a bottle, box, parcel, or envelope, you move, remove, or cut part of it so you can take out what is inside.

        e.g. The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes...
        e.g. The capsules are fiddly to open.

    3. 翻开;张开;展开
        If you open something such as a book, an umbrella, or your hand, or if it opens, the different parts of it move away from each other so that the inside of it can be seen.

        e.g. He opened the heavy Bible...
        e.g. She opens her umbrella, and walks up River Street...

    4. 打开(计算机文件)
        If you open a computer file, you give the computer an instruction to display it on the screen.

        e.g. Double click on the icon to open the file.

    Note that you do not use open as a verb or adjective to talk about electrical devices. If someone causes an electrical device to work by pressing a switch, you say that they put it on, switch it on, or turn it on. It's too easy just to switch on the television. If the device is already working, you say that it is on. The answering machine is on... He cannot sleep with the light on.
    注意, open 作动词或形容词使用时,不能表示打开电气设备。如果某人通过按开关打开电气设备,可以说 put on, switch on 或 turn on:It's too easy just to switch on the television(打开电视机实在是太顺手了)。如果该设备已在运转,用 on 表示:The answering machine is on(电话答录机是开着的),He cannot sleep with the light on(灯开着他睡不着)。

    open 情景对话



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