
  • yield

    英:[ji:ld]   美: [jild] 

    yield 基本解释

    及物动词屈服,投降; 生产; 获利; 不再反对

    不及物动词放弃,屈服; 生利; 退让,退位

    名词产量,产额; 投资的收益; 屈服,击穿; 产品

    yield 相关例句


    1. yield是什么意思

    1. I will not yield a step.

    2. They yield ed the fortress to the enemy.

    3. These apple trees yield plenty of fruit this year.


    1. These fruit trees yielded poorly last year.

    yield 网络解释

    1. 收益:评论:收益(Yield)和点击率是同一术语. 点击率有多方面的价值,在网络广告中,它是广告有效性的表现,它表示访问者已到达广告客户的网站,而且这些网站还可以提供其它信息. 衡量你网站最大数量或者质量最好的流量从何而来,

    2. 屈服:早已深深爱上了她!丘比特想出一个办法,他恳求太阳神阿波罗向普赛克的父亲发出神示:必须禁止女儿结婚,并把她遗弃到荒凉的山岩上,让一条飞龙带走;否则,他的国家将会蒙受灾难. 国王没有办法,只得屈服(yield)神的意志.

    3. 产量: to Sector:空间跳跃,需要装备(Jump Driver)及能量块(Energy Cell),跳跃一个区Scanner,会出现陨石所含矿物(Resource)以及产量(Yield). 但是,如果这时候你就选择这条命令,

    1. 屈服;屈从;让步
        If you yield to someone or something, you stop resisting them.


        e.g. Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire?...
        e.g. I yielded to an impulse...

    2. . 放弃;缴出;让出
        If you yield something that you have control of or responsibility for, you allow someone else to have control or responsibility for it

        e.g. He may yield control...
        e.g. The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.

    3. 被…替代;为…所取代
        If one thing yields to another thing, it is replaced by this other thing.

        e.g. Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.

    4. (行人或车辆)让路,让行
        If a moving person or a vehicle yields, they slow down or stop in order to allow other people or vehicles to pass in front of them.

        e.g. When entering a trail or starting a descent, yield to other skiers.
        e.g. ...examples of common signs like No Smoking or Yield.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 give way 词典解释

    1. 屈服;屈从;让步
        If you yield to someone or something, you stop resisting them.


        e.g. Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire?...
        e.g. I yielded to an impulse...

    2. . 放弃;缴出;让出
        If you yield something that you have control of or responsibility for, you allow someone else to have control or responsibility for it

        e.g. He may yield control...
        e.g. The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.

    3. 被…替代;为…所取代
        If one thing yields to another thing, it is replaced by this other thing.

        e.g. Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.

    4. (行人或车辆)让路,让行
        If a moving person or a vehicle yields, they slow down or stop in order to allow other people or vehicles to pass in front of them.

        e.g. When entering a trail or starting a descent, yield to other skiers.
        e.g. ...examples of common signs like No Smoking or Yield.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 give way
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