
  • wrong

    英:[rɒŋ]   美: [rɔ:ŋ] 

    wrong 基本解释

    wrong 反义词

    1. go wrong : 出毛病;

    2. in the wrong : 错误, 不对, 不正确, 有过失, 犯错误;

    3. get it wrong : 误解, 误会, 曲解;

    4. do wrong : 作恶;

    同义词: badevilfalseillimproperincorrectunsuitable

    wrong 相关例句


    1. It is wrong of you to bully the child.

    2. What's wrong with the machine?


    1. You led me wrong.


    1. wrong

    1. I was wronged.


    1. It is not always easy to know right from wrong.

    wrong 网络解释

    1. 错:对(right)错(wrong)本来像黑白一样,是绝对的. 对错在日常生活里,被微调成为合(appropriate)与不合(inappropriate).

    2. (错的):费因伯格认为,尽管狭义的危害都构成了对利益的侵害,但是,不是所有的对利益的侵害都是错的(wrong),因为有些行为对利益的损害是正当的或可宽谅的,或者,有些行为损害的是他人没有权利要求获得尊重的利益.

    1. 有麻烦的;有问题的
        If you say there is something wrong, you mean there is something unsatisfactory about the situation, person, or thing you are talking about.

        e.g. Pain is the body's way of telling us that something is wrong...
        e.g. Nobody seemed to notice anything wrong...

    2. (选择)错误的,不适宜的
        If you choose the wrong thing, person, or method, you make a mistake and do not choose the one that you really want.

        e.g. He went to the wrong house...
        e.g. The wrong man had been punished...

    3. (决定、选择、行动等)错误的,不适当的
        If something such as a decision, choice, or action is the wrong one, it is not the best or most suitable one.


        e.g. I really made the wrong decision there...
        e.g. The wrong choice of club might limit your chances of success...

    4. 不正确的;与事实不符的
        If something is wrong, it is incorrect and not in accordance with the facts.

        e.g. How do you know that this explanation is wrong?...
        e.g. 20 per cent of the calculations are wrong.

    A child was wrongly diagnosed as having a bone tumour...
    Civilians assume, wrongly, that everything in the military runs smoothly.
    老百姓以为军队中一切都运转正常,其实不然。 词典解释

    1. 有麻烦的;有问题的
        If you say there is something wrong, you mean there is something unsatisfactory about the situation, person, or thing you are talking about.

        e.g. Pain is the body's way of telling us that something is wrong...
        e.g. Nobody seemed to notice anything wrong...

    2. (选择)错误的,不适宜的
        If you choose the wrong thing, person, or method, you make a mistake and do not choose the one that you really want.

        e.g. He went to the wrong house...
        e.g. The wrong man had been punished...

    3. (决定、选择、行动等)错误的,不适当的
        If something such as a decision, choice, or action is the wrong one, it is not the best or most suitable one.


        e.g. I really made the wrong decision there...
        e.g. The wrong choice of club might limit your chances of success...

    4. 不正确的;与事实不符的
        If something is wrong, it is incorrect and not in accordance with the facts.

        e.g. How do you know that this explanation is wrong?...
        e.g. 20 per cent of the calculations are wrong.

    A child was wrongly diagnosed as having a bone tumour...
    Civilians assume, wrongly, that everything in the military runs smoothly.

    wrong 情景对话



    A:You can’t do that here.

    B:What’s wrong with (drinking/ smoking/ eating) here?

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