
  • worse

    英:[wɜ:s]   美: [wɜ:rs] 

    worse 基本解释


    worse 反义词


    worse 相关词组

    1. have the worse : 遭到失败;

    2. worse and worse : 越来越差, 每况愈下;

    3. so much the worse : 更加不妙, 更加糟糕;

    同义词: bad

    worse 相关例句


    1. Nothing is worse than war.

    2. The patient is worse this morning.

    3. To make matters worse, I locked my keys in the car.


    1. The wind was blowing worse.

    2. He is behaving worse than ever.

    worse 网络解释

    1. 更坏的:worth#值得 | worse#更坏的 | toe#脚趾

    2. 较差的:agree 同意 | worse 较差的 | quiet 安静的

    3. 更糟糕的,更糟糕地;(身体)更不舒服的:bad,badly糟糕的,糟糕地 | worse更糟糕的,更糟糕地;(身体)更不舒服的 | worst最糟糕的,最糟糕地;(身体)最不舒服的

    1. (bad 的比较级)
        Worse is the comparative of bad .

    2. (badly 的比较级)
        Worse is the comparative of badly .

    3. (用于构成以 bad 和 badly 开头的复合形容词的比较级,如 badly off 的比较级是 worse off )
        Worse is used to form the comparative of compound adjectives beginning with 'bad' and 'badly.' For example, the comparative of 'badly off' is 'worse off'.

    4. 越来越糟;每况愈下
        If a situation goes from bad to worse, it becomes even more unpleasant or unsatisfactory.

        e.g. For the past couple of years my life has gone from bad to worse.

    5. 不妨(做某事);(做某事)不失明智之举
        If you tell someone that they could do worse than do a particular thing, you are advising them that it would be quite a good thing to do.

        e.g. Scientists in search of a challenging career could do worse than consider forensic science.

    6. 向着更坏(或更糟的)情况(转变)
        If a situation changes for the worse, it becomes more unpleasant or more difficult.

        e.g. The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse.

    7. 受到/未受到…的伤害(或不良影响)
        If a person or thing is the worse for something, they have been harmed or badly affected by it. If they are none the worse for it, they have not been harmed or badly affected by it.


        e.g. Father came home from the pub very much the worse for drink...
        e.g. They are all apparently fit and well and none the worse for the fifteen hour journey.

    8. for better or worse -> see better


    1. (bad 的比较级)
        Worse is the comparative of bad .

    2. (badly 的比较级)
        Worse is the comparative of badly .

    3. (用于构成以 bad 和 badly 开头的复合形容词的比较级,如 badly off 的比较级是 worse off )
        Worse is used to form the comparative of compound adjectives beginning with 'bad' and 'badly.' For example, the comparative of 'badly off' is 'worse off'.

    4. 越来越糟;每况愈下
        If a situation goes from bad to worse, it becomes even more unpleasant or unsatisfactory.

        e.g. For the past couple of years my life has gone from bad to worse.

    5. 不妨(做某事);(做某事)不失明智之举
        If you tell someone that they could do worse than do a particular thing, you are advising them that it would be quite a good thing to do.

        e.g. Scientists in search of a challenging career could do worse than consider forensic science.

    6. 向着更坏(或更糟的)情况(转变)
        If a situation changes for the worse, it becomes more unpleasant or more difficult.

        e.g. The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse.

    7. 受到/未受到…的伤害(或不良影响)
        If a person or thing is the worse for something, they have been harmed or badly affected by it. If they are none the worse for it, they have not been harmed or badly affected by it.


        e.g. Father came home from the pub very much the worse for drink...
        e.g. They are all apparently fit and well and none the worse for the fifteen hour journey.

    8. for better or worse -> see better

    worse 情景对话

    Bob groans-(鲍勃在呻吟)


    A:What’s the matter, Bob?

    B:I think it’s my ankle.

    A:What happened?

    B:One of my snowshoes got caught on a rock.

    A:Can you stand?

    B:I don’t think so. It’s kind of sore.

    A:We’ll have to get you to a hospital for an X-ray.

    B:Is that really necessary?

    A:It may be worse than it seems.

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