
  • wheel

    英:[wi:l]   美: [wi:l] 

    wheel 基本解释

    wheel 相关词组

    1. at the wheel : 掌舵, 控制, 指挥;

    2. wheels within wheels : 错综复杂的情况, 复杂的机构;

    wheel 相关例句


    1. He wheeled his motorcycle into the street.

    2. I called her and she wheeled to face me.


    1. He wheeled round and dashed for the door.

    2. The sea gulls wheel in the air.


    1. wheel的反义词

    1. Some of the big wheels in the city attended the party.

    wheel 网络解释

    1. 轮:而相对于此位ENGLISH MAN IN TAIWAN,他对各种事物的处之泰然,即使于瑞士碰壁,却又保持那英国人的骄傲,仍不灰心地继续努力;对于生活却又有其独到的品味,我想这种种因素,应该就是这位一生与齿(车)轮(WHEEL)为伍的人成功之因吧!

    2. 齿轮:(1) 圆筒蜗轮齿轮(Worm gear):圆筒蜗轮齿轮为蜗杆(Worm)及齿轮(Wheel)之总称. (1) 依滚齿刀(HOB)之创成法 (本厂用之方法)以滚齿刀(Gear Hob)创生加工齿形之同时,顺便将齿轮之外径滚削或将齿顶部倒角切削,

    1. 轮;轮子;车轮
        The wheels of a vehicle are the circular objects which are fixed underneath it and which enable it to move along the ground.

        e.g. The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road.

    2. 机轮
        A wheel is a circular object which forms a part of a machine, usually a moving part.

        e.g. ...an eighteenth century mill with a water wheel.

    3. 方向盘
        The wheel of a car or other vehicle is the circular object that is used to steer it. The wheel is used in expressions to talk about who is driving a vehicle. For example, if someone is at the wheel of a car, they are driving it.

        e.g. My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel...
        e.g. Curtis got behind the wheel and they started back toward the cottage...

    4. 汽车
        People sometimes refer to a car as wheels .

        e.g. 'Do you own a house?' — 'No. But I have wheels.'

    5. 推(带轮子的物体)
        If you wheel an object that has wheels somewhere, you push it along.

        e.g. He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house...
        e.g. They wheeled her out on the stretcher.

    6. (动物、鸟禽等)转圈,旋转,盘旋
        If something such as a group of animals or birds wheels, it moves in a circle.

        e.g. A flock of crows wheeled overhead.

    7. (因惊讶、震惊或生气)突然转身
        If you wheel around, you turn around suddenly where you are standing, often because you are surprised, shocked, or angry.

        e.g. He wheeled around to face her...
        e.g. She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.

    8. (尤指多次发生相同的情形)命运之轮
        You use wheel in expressions such as the wheel of fortune to refer to the changes that take place in life, especially when you are referring to the fact that the same situations occur more than once.

        e.g. The wheel of fortune will swing round again; in politics, it always does...
        e.g. In his view the wheel of history could not be turned back.

    9. (组织或系统的)运作方式
        People talk about the wheels of an organization or system to mean the way in which it operates.

        e.g. He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly.

    10. (各种影响、原因和行动交织在一起的)错综复杂的情况
        If you say that there are wheels within wheels, you mean that there are a number of different influences, reasons, and actions which together make a situation complicated and difficult to understand.

        e.g. Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.

    11. see also: Catherine wheel;meals on wheels;potter's wheel;spare wheel;spinning wheel;steering wheel;water wheel


    1. 轮;轮子;车轮
        The wheels of a vehicle are the circular objects which are fixed underneath it and which enable it to move along the ground.

        e.g. The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road.

    2. 机轮
        A wheel is a circular object which forms a part of a machine, usually a moving part.

        e.g. ...an eighteenth century mill with a water wheel.

    3. 方向盘
        The wheel of a car or other vehicle is the circular object that is used to steer it. The wheel is used in expressions to talk about who is driving a vehicle. For example, if someone is at the wheel of a car, they are driving it.

        e.g. My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel...
        e.g. Curtis got behind the wheel and they started back toward the cottage...

    4. 汽车
        People sometimes refer to a car as wheels .

        e.g. 'Do you own a house?' — 'No. But I have wheels.'

    5. 推(带轮子的物体)
        If you wheel an object that has wheels somewhere, you push it along.

        e.g. He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house...
        e.g. They wheeled her out on the stretcher.

    6. (动物、鸟禽等)转圈,旋转,盘旋
        If something such as a group of animals or birds wheels, it moves in a circle.

        e.g. A flock of crows wheeled overhead.

    7. (因惊讶、震惊或生气)突然转身
        If you wheel around, you turn around suddenly where you are standing, often because you are surprised, shocked, or angry.

        e.g. He wheeled around to face her...
        e.g. She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.

    8. (尤指多次发生相同的情形)命运之轮
        You use wheel in expressions such as the wheel of fortune to refer to the changes that take place in life, especially when you are referring to the fact that the same situations occur more than once.

        e.g. The wheel of fortune will swing round again; in politics, it always does...
        e.g. In his view the wheel of history could not be turned back.

    9. (组织或系统的)运作方式
        People talk about the wheels of an organization or system to mean the way in which it operates.

        e.g. He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly.

    10. (各种影响、原因和行动交织在一起的)错综复杂的情况
        If you say that there are wheels within wheels, you mean that there are a number of different influences, reasons, and actions which together make a situation complicated and difficult to understand.

        e.g. Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.

    11. see also: Catherine wheel;meals on wheels;potter's wheel;spare wheel;spinning wheel;steering wheel;water wheel

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