
  • water

    英:[ˈwɔ:tə(r)]   美: [ˈwɔtɚ, ˈwɑtɚ] 

    water 基本解释

    1. make water : 小便, 漏水;

    2. hold water : 站得住脚;

    3. on the water : 在水上, 在船上;

    4. in smooth water : 处于顺境中;

    5. in low water : 拮据;

    6. water down : 搀水, 加水冲淡;

    7. in deep water(s) : 陷入困境;

    8. like water : ad. 无节制地;

    9. above water : 脱离困境, 摆脱麻烦;

    10. like water off a duck's back : 毫无作用;

    water 相关例句


    1. The flowers need watering.

    2. Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers.


    1. A ship waters before sailing.


    1. Those plants can grow only in deep waters.

    water 网络解释

    1. 水域:就是土地利用类型里,可以选择水域(water)类型,下面说明是在水文响应单元计算中就不能用了,得自己创建池塘、水库什么的

    2. 水质:这个小镇,以气候(weather)、水质(water)、醇酒(wine)与美女(woman)4W闻名,是个气候温和、水质甘美、土地肥沃、物产丰饶的城镇,故有小洛阳的美誉,于日治时期,发展出造纸、酿酒、花卉、漆器等丰富多元的产业.

    3. 水分:指标: 含量(以亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌计):≥97.8%甲萘醌(Menadione)含量:≥51%浴液色泽:≤ 亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌黄绿色标准比色液4号 磺酸甲萘醌 无沉淀 水分(Water):≤17%重金属(以Pb计)% ≤0.002 砷盐(As)% ≤0.0005 外观:白色结晶性粉末,

    1. 水;雨水
        Water is a clear thin liquid that has no colour or taste when it is pure. It falls from clouds as rain and enters rivers and seas. All animals and people need water in order to live.

        e.g. Get me a glass of water.
        e.g. ...the sound of water hammering on the metal roof.

    2. 海域;(尤指)领海
        You use waters to refer to a large area of sea, especially the area of sea which is near to a country and which is regarded as belonging to it.

        e.g. The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.
        e.g. ...the open waters of the Arctic Ocean.

    3. 困境
        You sometimes use waters to refer to a situation which is very complex or difficult.


        e.g. ...the man brought in to guide him through troubled waters...
        e.g. The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.

    4. 给(植物)浇水
        If you water plants, you pour water over them in order to help them to grow.


        e.g. He went out to water the plants.

    5. 流泪
        If your eyes water, tears build up in them because they are hurting or because you are upset.

        e.g. His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.

    6. 流口水
        If you say that your mouth is watering, you mean that you can smell or see some nice food and you might mean that your mouth is producing a liquid.

        e.g. ...cookies to make your mouth water.

    7. (孕妇)羊水破裂;(医生或接生员)给(孕妇)破羊水
        When a pregnant woman's waters break, the fluid in her womb that surrounds the baby passes out of her body, showing that the baby is ready to be born. A doctor or midwife can break a woman's waters so that the birth can begin.

        e.g. My waters broke at six in the morning and within four hours Jamie was born.

    8. 泼出之水;不可改变的既成事实;无法挽回的过去
        If you say that an event or incident is water under the bridge, you mean that it has happened and cannot now be changed, so there is no point in worrying about it any more.

        e.g. He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.

    9. 陷入困境;处境尴尬
        If you are in deep water, you are in a difficult or awkward situation.

        e.g. You certainly seem to be in deep water...
        e.g. I could tell that we were getting off the subject and into deep water.

    10. (论点或理论)符合逻辑,站得住脚,经得起考验
        If an argument or theory does not hold water, it does not seem to be reasonable or be in accordance with the facts.

        e.g. This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe.

    11. 陷于困境;遇到麻烦
          If you are in hot water, you are in trouble.

          e.g. The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year.

    12. 给(想法或建议)泼冷水
          If you pour cold water on an idea or suggestion, you show that you have a low opinion of it.


          e.g. City economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun.

    13. 试探
          If you test the water or test the waters, you try to find out what reaction an action or idea will get before you do it or tell it to people.

          e.g. You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.

    14. like water off a duck's back -> see duck
          to take to something like a duck to water -> see duck
          like a fish out of water -> see fish
          to keep your head above water -> see head
          to pour oil on troubled waters -> see oil

    相关词组:water down


    1. 水;雨水
        Water is a clear thin liquid that has no colour or taste when it is pure. It falls from clouds as rain and enters rivers and seas. All animals and people need water in order to live.

        e.g. Get me a glass of water.
        e.g. ...the sound of water hammering on the metal roof.

    2. 海域;(尤指)领海
        You use waters to refer to a large area of sea, especially the area of sea which is near to a country and which is regarded as belonging to it.

        e.g. The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.
        e.g. ...the open waters of the Arctic Ocean.

    3. 困境
        You sometimes use waters to refer to a situation which is very complex or difficult.


        e.g. ...the man brought in to guide him through troubled waters...
        e.g. The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.

    4. 给(植物)浇水
        If you water plants, you pour water over them in order to help them to grow.


        e.g. He went out to water the plants.

    5. 流泪
        If your eyes water, tears build up in them because they are hurting or because you are upset.

        e.g. His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.

    6. 流口水
        If you say that your mouth is watering, you mean that you can smell or see some nice food and you might mean that your mouth is producing a liquid.

        e.g. ...cookies to make your mouth water.

    7. (孕妇)羊水破裂;(医生或接生员)给(孕妇)破羊水
        When a pregnant woman's waters break, the fluid in her womb that surrounds the baby passes out of her body, showing that the baby is ready to be born. A doctor or midwife can break a woman's waters so that the birth can begin.

        e.g. My waters broke at six in the morning and within four hours Jamie was born.

    8. 泼出之水;不可改变的既成事实;无法挽回的过去
        If you say that an event or incident is water under the bridge, you mean that it has happened and cannot now be changed, so there is no point in worrying about it any more.

        e.g. He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.

    9. 陷入困境;处境尴尬
        If you are in deep water, you are in a difficult or awkward situation.

        e.g. You certainly seem to be in deep water...
        e.g. I could tell that we were getting off the subject and into deep water.

    10. (论点或理论)符合逻辑,站得住脚,经得起考验
        If an argument or theory does not hold water, it does not seem to be reasonable or be in accordance with the facts.

        e.g. This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe.

    11. 陷于困境;遇到麻烦
          If you are in hot water, you are in trouble.

          e.g. The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year.

    12. 给(想法或建议)泼冷水
          If you pour cold water on an idea or suggestion, you show that you have a low opinion of it.


          e.g. City economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun.

    13. 试探
          If you test the water or test the waters, you try to find out what reaction an action or idea will get before you do it or tell it to people.

          e.g. You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.

    14. like water off a duck's back -> see duck
          to take to something like a duck to water -> see duck
          like a fish out of water -> see fish
          to keep your head above water -> see head
          to pour oil on troubled waters -> see oil

    相关词组:water down

    water 情景对话



    A:Room service. May I help you?

    B:Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me.

    A:Certainly. Hold on, please.

    B:What room are you in, sir?

    A:This is Mr. Wu in Room 405.

    B:Very well, sir. You'll have them as soon as possible.

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