
  • war

    英:[wɔ:(r)]   美: [wɔr] 

    war 基本解释

    war 反义词

    war 相关词组

    1. go to war : 当兵, 开始作战;

    同义词: battlecampaignclashcombatconflictencounterengagementfightstrifestrugglewarfare

    war 相关例句


    1. The two countries were at war for two years.


    2. The neighboring nations warred upon one another for over a decade.


    1. One country declared war on another.

    2. The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won.

    war 网络解释

    1. 战争:伯登成立了"新动物"(New Animals),参加吉米.亨德里克斯乐队的工作,然后又成立了自己的"战争"(War)乐队. "新兵"(Yardbirds)乐队"新兵" 乐队由五人组成,其中有埃里克.克莱普顿(Eric Clapton,生于1945年)、吉米.佩奇(Jimmy Page,

    2. 游侠:尽管李连杰和杰森.斯坦森的商业价值皆属安定,但<<游侠>>(WAR)仅止于60%程度激活两大猛男的魅力而使本应更加爆棚的热映场面未能出现. 最终,在2277家院线内收入1000万$首映票房的开张状态保持了李连杰近作<<霍元甲>>和斯坦森近作<<怒火攻心>>的同等水准,

    3. 战士:<<最终幻想>>目前一共有十五个职业,其中战士(WAR)、盗贼(THF)、格斗家(MNK)、白魔法师(WHM)、黑魔法师(BLM)、赤魔道士(RDM)这六个职业是初级职业,也就是新手在出生时就可以选择的六个职业.

    4. 战役:前 者是白话评论争吵,后者是武装斗嘴. 但argument和war都年夜概非凡很是剧烈,是以该句用战役(war)来暗指辨论(argum ent)剧烈的程度. 再如:

    5. war:weighted average rating; 加权平均评等

    6. war:write after read; 读后写

    7. war:word address register; 字地址缓存器

    8. war:wrestle and revolution; 摔角革命

    9. war and peace (also name of a novel by Leo Tolstoy):17. 戰壕 jahn-haur, n., war tr... | 18. 戰爭 jahn-jeng, n., war, warfare: 戰爭與和平 war and peace (also name of a novel by Leo Tolstoy). | 19. 戰艦 jahn-jiahn, n., battleship, also used of cruisers, d...

    1. 战争
        A war is a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states.

        e.g. He spent part of the war in the National Guard...
        e.g. ...matters of war and peace...

    2. (国家或组织之间的)经济竞争
        War is intense economic competition between countries or organizations.

        e.g. The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war.

    3. 宣战;斗争
        If you make war on someone or something that you are opposed to, you do things to stop them succeeding.

        e.g. She has been involved in the war against organised crime.
        e.g. ...if the United States is to be successful in its war on drugs.

    4. see also: warring;civil war;Cold War;council of war

    5. (在打架或事故中)受伤
        If someone has been in the wars, they have been injured, for example in a fight or in an accident.


        e.g. Ben has also been in the wars. He is still in plaster after breaking a leg.

    6. 开战;打仗
        If a country goes to war, it starts fighting a war.

        e.g. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?

    7. 论战;口水战
        If two people, countries, or organizations have a war of words, they criticize each other because they strongly disagree about something.

        e.g. Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation's zoos.

    8. to lose the battle but win the war -> see battle


    1. 战争
        A war is a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states.

        e.g. He spent part of the war in the National Guard...
        e.g. ...matters of war and peace...

    2. (国家或组织之间的)经济竞争
        War is intense economic competition between countries or organizations.

        e.g. The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war.

    3. 宣战;斗争
        If you make war on someone or something that you are opposed to, you do things to stop them succeeding.

        e.g. She has been involved in the war against organised crime.
        e.g. ...if the United States is to be successful in its war on drugs.

    4. see also: warring;civil war;Cold War;council of war

    5. (在打架或事故中)受伤
        If someone has been in the wars, they have been injured, for example in a fight or in an accident.


        e.g. Ben has also been in the wars. He is still in plaster after breaking a leg.

    6. 开战;打仗
        If a country goes to war, it starts fighting a war.

        e.g. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?

    7. 论战;口水战
        If two people, countries, or organizations have a war of words, they criticize each other because they strongly disagree about something.

        e.g. Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation's zoos.

    8. to lose the battle but win the war -> see battle

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