
  • waist

    英:[weɪst]   美: [west] 

    waist 基本解释

    名词腰,腰部; (衣服的)腰身; 船腰; (女人,小孩子的)背心

    waist 相关例句


    1. waist的近义词

    1. She tied an apron around her waist.

    2. Can you take in the waist of these trousers?

    3. The dress needs taking in a bit at the waist.

    4. She has a very small waist.

    waist 网络解释

    1. waist

    1. 腰围:7826%第35 章 因子分析 统计程序PROC FACTOR 31例二 主轴因子分析 (Principal Axis Common Factor Analysis)本例的输入资料文件 (F IT) 包括两组变量的数据 第一组变量包括三个生理变量即体重 ( WEIGHT) 腰围 (WAIST) 与脉搏速度 (P

    2. 腰:琴身由背板、侧板和面板组成构造类型和制造琴身的木材对这件乐器所发出的声音有着最主要的影响琴身的不同类型和体积,同样影响着吉他的声音原声吉他的琴身同时可以被观作上下肩(upper and lower bouts)和腰(waist)(如图)原声吉他上的琴桥起着将琴弦固定在琴身上,

    3. 腰部:对流与传导是最常流失体热的管道,而适当的服装款型设计与穿著方式,可以有效的降低这4种热的流失:检查衣服的设计,尽可能使衣服上的风帽(Hood)、袖口(Cuffs)、前口袋(Placket Front)、腰部(Waist)、臀部(Hip)、脚踝(Ankle)等部分可以更合身,

    4. 腰带:)以下服装和盔甲:青纱抓角头巾(head) 白苎丝袍(cloth)茶褐銮带(waist) 乌云靴(boots)本府卫士、家丁可以领取(ling)以下服装和盔甲:服装(只供卫士穿用)(cloth) 披风(只供卫士穿用)(surcoat)绵甲(armor) 腰带(waist) 靴子(boots

    1. 腰;腰部
        Your waist is the middle part of your body where it narrows slightly above your hips.

        e.g. Ricky kept his arm round her waist...
        e.g. He was stripped to the waist.

    Sarah looked slender-waisted, fragile and very beautiful.
    萨拉纤纤细腰,弱不禁风,楚楚动人。 词典解释

    1. 腰;腰部
        Your waist is the middle part of your body where it narrows slightly above your hips.

        e.g. Ricky kept his arm round her waist...
        e.g. He was stripped to the waist.

    Sarah looked slender-waisted, fragile and very beautiful.
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