
  • under

    英:[ˈʌndə(r)]   美: [ˈʌndɚ] 

    under 基本解释

    under 相关词组

    同义词: belowbeneathlower

    under 相关例句


    1. under

    1. The ship went under.


    1. There is a new music hall near here under construction.

    2. under在线翻译

    2. I planned to leave the next day but under the circumstances I decided to stay another night.

    3. What do bats come under?

    4. They were playing chess under the tree.

    under 网络解释

    1. under

    1. 在...下面:绅士(sion)领到养老金共同(con)的敌人(de)在三门峡(mn)被宣告有罪伯乐(bl)在下面(under)慌乱的走,因为他犯

    2. 在...下:配对(matching)是 ABA 教导中很重要的工具,日后同样的方法可教自闭儿用字汇(words)配实物照片(pictures),和用字汇来配物体位置(prepositions),例如在上(on),在下(under),在中间(between)等.

    3. 下:配对(matching)是 ABA 教导中很重要的工具,日后同样的方法可教自闭儿用字汇(words)配实物照片(pictures),和用字汇来配物体位置(prepositions),例如在上(on),在下(under),在中间(between)等.

    4. 下面:甚至有语言错误,但这种类似于专题谈话的讲故事整 体教学活动能培养学生的连贯说话能力,有助于单词的初步运用.又如六个单词组成了 三幅图:爬在伞柄上的猴子在伞(umbrella)下面(under),背心(vest)上有小提琴(violin)图案,

    In addition to the uses shown below, under is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘go under’ and ‘knuckle under’.
    除下列用法外,under还可用于go under,knuckle under等短语动词中。 词典解释

    In addition to the uses shown below, under is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘go under’ and ‘knuckle under’.
    除下列用法外,under还可用于go under,knuckle under等短语动词中。

    under 情景对话

    Get under one’s skin-(使烦躁;(因为爱)使不安)

    A:Mary has really gotten under my skin.

    B:I know what love is. When I was young, I felt the same way.

    A:It thinks I’m crazy about her.


    B:You are, why not ask for a date?

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