
  • turn

    英:[tɜ:n]   美: [tɜ:rn] 

    turn 基本解释

    及物/不及物动词使转动; 旋转; 使改变方向; 使不适

    及物动词使变酸; 使变换; 使变为

    名词翻转; (路线或方向的)改变; 机会

    turn 相关词组

    1. turn over : 打翻;

    2. turn up : 开大, 出现;

    3. turn out : 生产, 制造, 出动;

    4. turn in : 上床睡觉;

    5. at every turn : 事事;

    6. turn to : 转向, 求助于;

    7. turn back : 往回走;

    8. turn on : 开, 开始, 变得兴奋, 突然显出;

    9. to the turn of a hair : 丝毫不差地;

    10. turn off : 关掉;

    11. in turn : 依次, 轮流, 反过来;

    12. turn about : 转身, 反复思考;

    13. in the turn of a hand : 顷刻间;

    14. call the turn : 言中;

    15. on the turn : 在转变中, 在变质;

    16. turn away : 走开;

    17. to a turn : 恰好;

    18. out of turn : 不按顺序地, 不合时宜地;

    19. turn into : 进入, (使)变成;

    turn 相关例句


    1. Cold turned their ears pink.

    2. Can you turn this article into Chinese?


    1. My head is turning.

    2. She turned and saw her daughter still waving to her.


    1. We saw a sharp turn in the road.

    turn 网络解释

    1. 转动:组成:中间拼图区(显示所填数字,可移动可转动左右放大镜(看拼图区显示出的数字及小标记,拖动左下移动(move)转动(turn)选择;右下填数字区.

    2. turn是什么意思

    2. 转:到东南方把万能钥匙插入门上的锁中,推(Push)、摇(Jiggle)、转(Turn)后,便可打开门. 先取炉上的诗集(Poetry Book)翻看一下,再将钟(Clock)上的指针先后指向七点、三点和五点,即可开启暗门. 从暗门中得到一本记事本(Journal).

    Turn is used in a large number of other expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression ‘turn over a new leaf’ is explained at leaf.
    turn 还有许多其他用法,在本词典其他词条下作了解释。例如,turn over a new leaf 这一表达在 leaf 词条下作了解释。 词典解释

    Turn is used in a large number of other expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression ‘turn over a new leaf’ is explained at leaf.
    turn 还有许多其他用法,在本词典其他词条下作了解释。例如,turn over a new leaf 这一表达在 leaf 词条下作了解释。

    turn 情景对话



    A:It’s your turn to (drive/ pick me up/ take me to work) next week.

    B:I know.

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