
  • turkey

    英:[ˈtɜ:ki]   美: [ˈtɜ:rki] 

    turkey 基本解释

    turkey 相关词组

    1. say turkey to one and buzzard to another : 厚此薄彼;

    2. have a turkey on one's back : 酒醉;

    turkey 相关例句


    1. turkey

    1. My brother-in-law thinks he knows everything but he's a real turkey.

    2. Mother roasted a turkey for dinner.

    3. That turkey of a TV show was off the air after just two weeks.

    4. The motion picture is a real turkey.

    turkey 网络解释

    1. turkey是什么意思

    1. 火鸡肉:于是turkey and pastrami on rye指的就是用两片黑麦面包片(rye)中间夹着火鸡肉(turkey)和熏牛肉(pastrami)的一种类似于三明治的食品. 请看图片:环球电影公司(Universal Pictures)花重金将此故事打造成舞台剧,

    2. turkey

    2. 土尔其:这图章中的插图是我1997年到土尔其(Turkey)旅行时拍的. 那是接近我们行程的尾声. 本来旅行团的计划是我们会搭著火车从首都Ankara到Istanbul的. 但因为前一团所给的意见,他们就安排我们先在一个称为Bolu的小镇过夜,才前往终点.

    1. 火鸡
        A turkey is a large bird that is kept on a farm for its meat.


    1. 火鸡
        A turkey is a large bird that is kept on a farm for its meat.

    turkey 情景对话


    A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.


    B:Save the dark meat for me.

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