
  • trim

    英:[trɪm]   美: [trɪm] 

    trim 基本解释

    及物动词装饰; 修剪; 整理

    形容词整齐的,整洁的; 修长的; 苗条的

    名词修剪; 整齐; 健康状态; 装束


    trim 相关例句


    1. He keeps trim by jogging every day.


    1. The children were trimming up a Christmas tree.

    2. The government is going to trim welfare programs.


    1. That politician is always trimming.


    1. The hedge needs a trim.

    trim 网络解释

    6. trim:tailored retrieval and information management; 定做的检索和信息管理系统

    1. 整齐的;美观整洁的
        Something that is trim is neat, tidy, and attractive.

        e.g. The neighbours' gardens were trim and neat.
        e.g. …the trim houses.

    2. 苗条的;修长的
        If you describe someone's figure as trim, you mean that it is attractive because there is no extra fat on their body.

        e.g. The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty.
               司机是个大约 30 岁的身材苗条的年轻女子。

    3. 修剪;剪
        If you trim something, for example someone's hair, you cut off small amounts of it in order to make it look neater and tidier.

        e.g. My friend trims my hair every eight weeks...
               我朋友每 8 个星期为我修剪一次头发。
        e.g. Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.

    4. 削减;缩减
        If a government or other organization trims something such as a plan, policy, or amount, they reduce it slightly in extent or size.


        e.g. American companies looked at ways they could trim these costs...
        e.g. We trimmed the marketing department.

    5. 点缀;装饰;(以…)镶边
        If something such as a piece of clothing is trimmed with a type of material or design, it is decorated with it, usually along its edges.

        e.g. ...jackets, which are then trimmed with crocheted flowers...
        e.g. I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace.

    He wears a fur-trimmed coat.
    …gold-trimmed fitted furniture.
    镶金边的定制家具 词典解释

    1. 整齐的;美观整洁的
        Something that is trim is neat, tidy, and attractive.

        e.g. The neighbours' gardens were trim and neat.
        e.g. …the trim houses.

    2. 苗条的;修长的
        If you describe someone's figure as trim, you mean that it is attractive because there is no extra fat on their body.

        e.g. The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty.
               司机是个大约 30 岁的身材苗条的年轻女子。

    3. 修剪;剪
        If you trim something, for example someone's hair, you cut off small amounts of it in order to make it look neater and tidier.

        e.g. My friend trims my hair every eight weeks...
               我朋友每 8 个星期为我修剪一次头发。
        e.g. Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.

    4. 削减;缩减
        If a government or other organization trims something such as a plan, policy, or amount, they reduce it slightly in extent or size.


        e.g. American companies looked at ways they could trim these costs...
        e.g. We trimmed the marketing department.

    5. 点缀;装饰;(以…)镶边
        If something such as a piece of clothing is trimmed with a type of material or design, it is decorated with it, usually along its edges.

        e.g. ...jackets, which are then trimmed with crocheted flowers...
        e.g. I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace.

    He wears a fur-trimmed coat.
    …gold-trimmed fitted furniture.

    trim 情景对话


    A:Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here.

    B:A haircut and a shave, please.

    A:How would you like your hair cut, sir?

    B:Short on both sides. Not so much off at the back.


    A:Very well, sir. Do you want me to trim your beard?

    B:Yes, please.


    A:Now have a look, please. Is it all right?

    B:Well, I would like my hair cut shorter on the temples.

    A:Is that satisfactory?


    B:Yes, thanks.

    A:Do you want conditioner?


    B:No, thanks, but I'd like a face massage.

    A:Yes, sir.


    B:Now where should I pay the money?

    A:You should go to the counter, just over there.

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