
  • traffic

    英:[ˈtræfɪk]   美: [ˈtræfɪk] 

    traffic 基本解释

    traffic 相关词组

    1. traffic away : 通过交易断送...;

    traffic 相关例句


    1. The men trafficked with the natives for ivory.



    1. Illegal traffic in protected animals is quite common there.

    2. There is too much traffic on the road.

    3. The bridge is open to traffic.

    4. traffic是什么意思

    4. Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour.

    traffic 网络解释

    1. 交通:旧金山是迷幻摇滚的中心,但在美国其他地区的乐队也受到它的影响,发展起迷幻摇滚风格,另外在英国也有一些乐队发展起迷幻摇滚风格,如"小面孔"(Small Faces)、"交通"(Traffic)、"平克.弗洛依德"(Pink Floyd)等.

    2. 运输:9月29日<<运输>>(Traffic)杂志提前在线发表了中科院上海生科院生化与细胞所鲍岚研究组的最新研究成果:速激肽前体分子通过序列中带电荷小片段的聚集将其分选入大致密芯囊泡的调节型分泌途径.

    3. 毒品网络:琼还指出其他角逐奥斯卡的影片中的错误,称<<永不妥协>>(ErinBrockovich)中有14处错误,其中有11处就很典型;华语影片<<卧虎藏龙>>(CrouchingTiger,HidˉdenDragon)出错7处;<<毒品网络>>(Traffic)则有4处错误.

    4. 通信量:.通信量 (Traffic) 估 计;网络规模直接涉及到帧中继网络的可行 性. 据笔者了 解,我国大部分地区和城市电信部门提供的公用帧中继业 务,是通过 DDN 节点机上的帧中继专用卡实现 的. 一方 面,不同厂商和型号的帧中继 卡,

    5. traffic:trade record analysis of flora and fauna in commerce; 国际动植物贸易记录分析

    1. 车流;交通
        Traffic refers to all the vehicles that are moving along the roads in a particular area.

        e.g. There was heavy traffic on the roads...
        e.g. Traffic was unusually light for that time of day.

    2. (海上、铁路或空中的)交通,通行;(客、货)运输量
        Traffic refers to the movement of ships, trains, or aircraft between one place and another. Traffic also refers to the people and goods that are being transported.

        e.g. Air traffic had returned to normal...
        e.g. The railways will carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic...

    3. (毒品、赃物等的)非法买卖,非法交易
        Traffic in something such as drugs or stolen goods is an illegal trade in them.


        e.g. Traffic in illicit drugs was now worth some 500 thousand million dollars a year.
               如今每年非法毒品的交易值约在 5,000 亿美元。

    4. 非法买卖(毒品、赃物等)
        Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so.


        e.g. The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.

    He was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of drug trafficking.
    他因贩毒被判刑 10 年。
    …the trafficking of illegal weapons.
    非法武器交易 词典解释

    1. 车流;交通
        Traffic refers to all the vehicles that are moving along the roads in a particular area.

        e.g. There was heavy traffic on the roads...
        e.g. Traffic was unusually light for that time of day.

    2. (海上、铁路或空中的)交通,通行;(客、货)运输量
        Traffic refers to the movement of ships, trains, or aircraft between one place and another. Traffic also refers to the people and goods that are being transported.

        e.g. Air traffic had returned to normal...
        e.g. The railways will carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic...

    3. (毒品、赃物等的)非法买卖,非法交易
        Traffic in something such as drugs or stolen goods is an illegal trade in them.


        e.g. Traffic in illicit drugs was now worth some 500 thousand million dollars a year.
               如今每年非法毒品的交易值约在 5,000 亿美元。

    4. 非法买卖(毒品、赃物等)
        Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so.


        e.g. The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.

    He was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of drug trafficking.
    他因贩毒被判刑 10 年。
    …the trafficking of illegal weapons.

    traffic 情景对话


    A:Let’s put on (some music/ the news/ a traffic report).



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