
  • title

    英:[ˈtaɪtl]   美: [ˈtaɪtl] 

    title 基本解释

    名词标题; 头衔; [体]冠军; [影视]字幕

    及物动词加标题; 赋予头衔; 把…称为

    形容词标题的; 冠军的; 头衔的

    title 相关例句


    1. She hasn't yet titled her novel.


    1. He was given the title of Marquis.

    2. He won the world heavyweight title.

    3. title是什么意思

    3. Do they have any title to this land?

    title 网络解释


    1. 栏目标题:弹出窗体的页面主题、栏目标题(Title)等资料与关联的父窗体保持上下文一致,方便用户理解并做出处理策略. 5、可能对系统导致破坏性的操作要给出警告信息和用户确认(Confirm)按钮,用户可以取消操作,防止意外的错误操作造成损失.

    2. title

    2. 片名:注意日本曾经拍摄过一部纪录片(documentary),片名(title)就叫<<日本鬼子>>. 主要是根据退伍老兵(retired former soldiers)的讲述揭露日本帝国军队(Imperial Japanese Army)在二战中犯下的战争罪行(war crimes).

    3. title

    3. 图名:一是先设定指南针(Set Compass)指向北方;1 图名(Title) 以图中最著名或重要的地方命名3 比例(Scale) 比例通常会明显地印在图的上方4 组别(Series Number) 用一组字母及数字以识别该组地图,

    1. 题目;标题;名称
        The title of a book, play, film, or piece of music is its name.

        e.g. 'Patience and Sarah' was first published in 1969 under the title 'A Place for Us'.

    2. 为…加上题目(或标题)
        When a writer, composer, or artist titles a work, they give it a title.

        e.g. Pirandello titled his play 'Six Characters in Search of an Author'...
        e.g. The single is titled 'White Love'...

    This oddly-titled book is a beginner's guide to the bits that make up a PC.
    ...his aptly titled autobiography, Life is Meeting.
    他取名贴切的自传《生活就是相遇》 词典解释

    1. 题目;标题;名称
        The title of a book, play, film, or piece of music is its name.

        e.g. 'Patience and Sarah' was first published in 1969 under the title 'A Place for Us'.

    2. 为…加上题目(或标题)
        When a writer, composer, or artist titles a work, they give it a title.

        e.g. Pirandello titled his play 'Six Characters in Search of an Author'...
        e.g. The single is titled 'White Love'...

    This oddly-titled book is a beginner's guide to the bits that make up a PC.
    ...his aptly titled autobiography, Life is Meeting.

    title 情景对话



    A:Excuse me. Can you tell me how to find some books on social science?

    B:Sure. You see all these little drawers here and all the way around the walls?


    B:These drawers contain cards describing every book in our library. Together they constitute the library’s “card catalog”.You can see that each drawer runs from one part of the alphabet to another. For example, this drawer goes from SCA to SCM.
          这些抽屉里装着这本图书馆所有图书的卡片,它们构成了图书馆的“卡片目录”。你可以看出每只抽屉都是从字母表中的一部分排到另一部分。比如说这只抽屉,就是从SCA 排到SCM。

    A:So if I’m looking for a look called A History of Western Society, I’d just look under “A”.

    B:No. You’d look under “W”. The articles “a” and “the” don’t count in our alphabetization, and card are generally omitted for extremely common words and phrases such as “history of”, “introduction to”, “story of” and so forth.
          不。应该“W”下找。冠词“a”和“the”不包括在字母排列中。一般来说,目录卡片往往省略一些特别常用的词和词组。如“history of”,“introduction to”,“story of”等等。

    A:What if I don’t know the title of the book?


    B:When you can look under the author’s name.

    A:Could you give me an example?

    B:Suppose you want to find a book by your professor, William Smith. You’d look under SMITH and then WILLIAM. Since that’s a very common name, you may have to go through several “William Smith” until you come to the one who wrote book on the subject you’re interested in.
          假如你要找一本你的导师威廉?史密斯教授写的书,你可以在SMITH 栏下寻找,由于William Smith 是一个很常见的姓名,你可能得查阅很多William Smith 才能找到你所感兴趣的书的那位William Smith。

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