
  • tire

    英:[ˈtaɪə(r)]   美: [taɪr] 

    tire 基本解释


    同义词: boreexhaustfatigueweary

    tire 相关例句


    1. A day's work tired him.

    2. His long speech tired the audience.

    3. Digging tires me.


    1. She never tires of talking about her hometown.


    1. Tires are usually made of rubber.

    tire 网络解释

    1. 轮胎:一辆车子这么多配件,轮胎(Tire)可能就是最被忽略和滥用的配件了. 问问一位仔你熟悉的又经常驾驶的人,看看他/她有多久没有检查轮胎气压及损耗情况. 答案可能会令你不敢再乘坐他/她所驾驶的汽车了,如果你知道当中的重要性的话.

    2. 车胎:Rim:车圈 | Tire:车胎 | Hub:花鼓

    3. tire在线翻译

    3. 疲劳:37.stuff材料 | 38.tire疲劳 | 39.review复习

    1. (使)感到疲劳;(使)感到累
        If something tires you or if you tire, you feel that you have used a lot of energy and you want to rest or sleep.

        e.g. If driving tires you, take the train...
        e.g. He tired easily, though he was unable to sleep well at night.

    2. 厌烦;厌倦
        If you tire of something, you no longer wish to do it, because you have become bored of it or unhappy with it.


        e.g. He felt he would never tire of international cricket...
        e.g. Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last.

    3. 同 tyre
        A tire is the same as a tyre .

    tired out
    He was obviously tired out.
    他显然筋疲力尽了。 词典解释

    1. (使)感到疲劳;(使)感到累
        If something tires you or if you tire, you feel that you have used a lot of energy and you want to rest or sleep.

        e.g. If driving tires you, take the train...
        e.g. He tired easily, though he was unable to sleep well at night.

    2. 厌烦;厌倦
        If you tire of something, you no longer wish to do it, because you have become bored of it or unhappy with it.


        e.g. He felt he would never tire of international cricket...
        e.g. Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last.

    3. 同 tyre
        A tire is the same as a tyre .

    tired out
    He was obviously tired out.
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