
  • theft

    英:[θeft]   美: [θɛft] 

    theft 基本解释


    theft 相关例句


    1. He was accused of theft.

    2. He was put in prison for theft.

    theft 网络解释

    1. 偷窃行为:所有这些行为都是偷窃行为(theft)或称未经许可拿走公司资源. 虽然员工偷窃有很多原因,有些员工偷窃可能因为感到被剥削、过度工作或因从组织处得到的没有人情味的待遇而感到失望. 在员工的头脑中,他们认为不道德的行为也是合理的,

    2. 盗窃:为了回应这次调查,加拿大统计局提供了卑诗省六类犯罪的判刑数据,其中主要包括盗窃(theft)、入室犯罪(break and enter)、抢劫(robbery)、占有毒品(drug possession)、毒品走私(drug trafficking)和非法驾驶(impaired driving)等.

    3. 偷窃(罪):A thief 小偷 | theft 偷窃(罪) | An arsonist 纵火者

    1. 偷窃;盗窃(罪)
        Theft is the crime of stealing.

        e.g. Art theft is now part of organised crime.
        e.g. ...the theft of classified documents from a car in London.


    1. 偷窃;盗窃(罪)
        Theft is the crime of stealing.

        e.g. Art theft is now part of organised crime.
        e.g. ...the theft of classified documents from a car in London.

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