
  • thank

    英:[θæŋk]   美: [θæŋk] 

    thank 基本解释

    及物动词谢谢,感谢; 责怪,把…归于


    thank 相关词组

    1. thank God : 谢天谢地, 幸亏;

    thank 相关例句


    1. I will thank you to turn on the lights.


    2. I thanked her for the present she sent me.



    1. Many thanks for your help.

    2. thank的反义词

    2. Thanks for helping me.

    thank 网络解释

    1. 谢谢:比如英文中口语的谢谢(thank)极少出现现在时以外的事态. 但在日文中则现在式和过去式都很常见. 比如你走出餐厅时,餐馆服务员会使用过去式的谢谢,以对过去的已完成的用餐表示感谢,单纯从句子成分上看,这时时态是由宾语的行为而非主语的行为决定的.

    2. thank的解释

    2. 谢:如果在每天只能收到5个感谢(thank)动作表情的限制下,你仍能获得100个感激表情,那你不光将收到奖励,同时这也显示了你作为社会的一员所拥有的高尚情操.

    3. 魏伟:魔兽争霸选手魏伟(Thank)和于谧(TK)与全国高手交锋也是互有胜负,于谧实力在全国前五名的行列. 极品飞车选手周捷(roy)没有参加全国大赛的经历,但他能从资格赛中沉稳地杀出也显示了其非凡的实力. 本报记者 王楠

    1. 谢谢您;谢谢;多谢
        You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to express your gratitude when someone does something for you or gives you what you want.

        e.g. Thank you very much for your call...
        e.g. Thanks for the information...

    2. 谢谢你,多谢(用于有礼貌地接受或拒绝)
        You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to politely accept or refuse something that has just been offered to you.

        e.g. 'You'd like a cup as well, would you, Mr Secombe?' — 'Thank you, Jane, I'd love one.'...
        e.g. 'Would you like a cigarette?' — 'No thank you.'...

    3. 谢谢你,多谢(尤用于礼貌地感谢对方的回答或所说的令人开心的话)
        You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to politely acknowledge what someone has said to you, especially when they have answered your question or said something nice to you.

        e.g. The policeman smiled at her. 'Pretty dog.' — 'Oh well, thank you.'...
        e.g. 'His eyes were glassy?' — 'And dilated. They were watery.' — 'Thank you.'...

    4. 谢谢,非常感谢(用于坚决回绝别人的帮助或表示不喜欢别人的举动)
        You use thank you or thank you very much in order to say firmly that you do not want someone's help or to tell them that you do not like the way that they are behaving towards you.

        e.g. I can stir my own tea, thank you...
        e.g. We know where we can get it, thank you very much.

    5. 向…表示谢意;感谢
        When you thank someone for something, you express your gratitude to them for it.

        e.g. I thanked them for their long and loyal service...
        e.g. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.

    6. 感谢;谢意;感激
        When you express your thanks to someone, you express your gratitude to them for something.

        e.g. They accepted their certificates with words of thanks.

    7. see also: thankyou

    8. 感谢(上帝);感恩
        When people give thanks, they thank God for something good that has happened.

        e.g. We give thanks for this food.

    9. 谢天谢地;感谢上帝
        You say 'Thank God', 'Thank Goodness', or 'Thank heavens' when you are very relieved about something.

        e.g. I was wrong, thank God...
        e.g. Thank heavens we have you here.

    10. 要向…表示感谢;多亏
        If you say that you have someone to thank for something, you mean that you are grateful to them because they caused it to happen.

        e.g. I have her to thank for my life...
        e.g. For all this I have only you to thank.

    11. 幸亏;归因于
          If you say that something happens thanks to a particular person or thing, you mean that they are responsible for it happening or caused it to happen.

          e.g. It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward...
          e.g. Thanks to recent research, effective treatments are available.

    12. 并非由于…才(发生);并不归功于
          If you say that something happens no thanks to a particular person or thing, you mean that they did not help it to happen, or that it happened in spite of them.

          e.g. It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise.

    13. to thank your lucky stars -> see star


    1. 谢谢您;谢谢;多谢
        You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to express your gratitude when someone does something for you or gives you what you want.

        e.g. Thank you very much for your call...
        e.g. Thanks for the information...

    2. 谢谢你,多谢(用于有礼貌地接受或拒绝)
        You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to politely accept or refuse something that has just been offered to you.

        e.g. 'You'd like a cup as well, would you, Mr Secombe?' — 'Thank you, Jane, I'd love one.'...
        e.g. 'Would you like a cigarette?' — 'No thank you.'...

    3. 谢谢你,多谢(尤用于礼貌地感谢对方的回答或所说的令人开心的话)
        You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to politely acknowledge what someone has said to you, especially when they have answered your question or said something nice to you.

        e.g. The policeman smiled at her. 'Pretty dog.' — 'Oh well, thank you.'...
        e.g. 'His eyes were glassy?' — 'And dilated. They were watery.' — 'Thank you.'...

    4. 谢谢,非常感谢(用于坚决回绝别人的帮助或表示不喜欢别人的举动)
        You use thank you or thank you very much in order to say firmly that you do not want someone's help or to tell them that you do not like the way that they are behaving towards you.

        e.g. I can stir my own tea, thank you...
        e.g. We know where we can get it, thank you very much.

    5. 向…表示谢意;感谢
        When you thank someone for something, you express your gratitude to them for it.

        e.g. I thanked them for their long and loyal service...
        e.g. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.

    6. 感谢;谢意;感激
        When you express your thanks to someone, you express your gratitude to them for something.

        e.g. They accepted their certificates with words of thanks.

    7. see also: thankyou

    8. 感谢(上帝);感恩
        When people give thanks, they thank God for something good that has happened.

        e.g. We give thanks for this food.

    9. 谢天谢地;感谢上帝
        You say 'Thank God', 'Thank Goodness', or 'Thank heavens' when you are very relieved about something.

        e.g. I was wrong, thank God...
        e.g. Thank heavens we have you here.

    10. 要向…表示感谢;多亏
        If you say that you have someone to thank for something, you mean that you are grateful to them because they caused it to happen.

        e.g. I have her to thank for my life...
        e.g. For all this I have only you to thank.

    11. 幸亏;归因于
          If you say that something happens thanks to a particular person or thing, you mean that they are responsible for it happening or caused it to happen.

          e.g. It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward...
          e.g. Thanks to recent research, effective treatments are available.

    12. 并非由于…才(发生);并不归功于
          If you say that something happens no thanks to a particular person or thing, you mean that they did not help it to happen, or that it happened in spite of them.

          e.g. It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise.

    13. to thank your lucky stars -> see star

    thank 情景对话


    A:Thank you for everything.

    B:You’re quite welcome.

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