
  • test

    英:[test]   美: [test] 

    test 基本解释

    名词试验; 测验; 考验; 化验

    及物动词测验; 考验; 考查; 勘探

    不及物动词受试验; 受测验; 受考验; 测得结果

    test 相关例句


    1. test的意思

    1. The long race tested the swimmer's endurance.

    2. The teacher tested the children on their homework.

    3. The teacher will test us in maths.


    1. We are to have a history test next week.

    2. A simple test will show if this is real gold.

    test 网络解释

    1. 考试:2.考试 (Test)分为: SAT的预备考试( PSAT), SAT, SAT的科目考试(SAT Subject Test), ACT, 国际学生还需考TOEFL. 3.课外活动(Extra Curriculum): 艺术(Art),体育( Sports),俱乐部 (Club),社区服务( Community Service), 国家荣誉团体(National Honor Society)

    2. 检验:其他国家也有这样的机构,如德国的商品检验机构(Stifung Warentest)还出版一个刊物叫<<检验>>(test),是消费者最信得过的刊物. 一般来说,一个令人可信的商品检验报告需要三个条件:

    3. test:traffic sensor technology; 检测技术

    4. test:the solution to; 对策

    5. test:time series technology; 协整检验

    1. 检验;试验;测试
        When you test something, you try it, for example by touching it or using it for a short time, in order to find out what it is, what condition it is in, or how well it works.


        e.g. Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist...
        e.g. Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested...

    2. 试验;测试;检验
        A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works.

        e.g. ...the banning of nuclear tests.

    3. 对…进行测试;考核;考查
        If you test someone, you ask them questions or tell them to perform certain actions in order to find out how much they know about a subject or how well they are able to do something.

        e.g. There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing pupils in every subject...
        e.g. She decided to test herself with a training run in London.

    4. 测试(题);考试(题);考卷
        A test is a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subject or how well you are able to do something.

        e.g. Out of a total of 2,602 pupils only 922 passed the test...
               所有 2,602 名学生中,只有 922 名通过了测试。
        e.g. She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.

    5. 考验;试探
        If you test someone, you deliberately make things difficult for them in order to see how they react.


        e.g. She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out.

    6. 考验;检验
        If an event or situation is a test of a person or thing, it reveals their qualities or effectiveness.


        e.g. It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship...
        e.g. The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.

    7. 对…进行体检;化验;检查
        If you are tested for a particular disease or medical condition, you are examined or go through various procedures in order to find out whether you have that disease or condition.

        e.g. My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes...
        e.g. Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene.

    8. 体检;(健康)检查
        A medical test is an examination of a part of your body in order to check that you are healthy or to find out what is wrong with you.

        e.g. If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis...
               如有必要,还要进行 X 光检查和验血以帮助诊断。
        e.g. The family doctor ordered numerous, expensive medical tests, which revealed no physical problem.

    9. (常指板球、橄榄球的)国际锦标赛
        A test is a sports match between two international teams, usually in cricket, rugby union, or rugby league.

    10. see also: testing;acid test;breath test;means test;litmus test;test match

    11. 使经受检验;对…进行试验
          If you put something to the test, you find out how useful or effective it is by using it.

          e.g. The Liverpool team are now putting their theory to the test...
          e.g. Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver.

    12. 测试…的强度(或稳定性)
          If new circumstances or events put something to the test, they put a strain on it and indicate how strong or stable it really is.

          e.g. Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.

    13. 经得住时间的考验
          If you say that something will stand the test of time, you mean that it is strong or effective enough to last for a very long time.

          e.g. It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time.

    14. to test the waters -> see water


    1. 检验;试验;测试
        When you test something, you try it, for example by touching it or using it for a short time, in order to find out what it is, what condition it is in, or how well it works.


        e.g. Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist...
        e.g. Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested...

    2. 试验;测试;检验
        A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works.

        e.g. ...the banning of nuclear tests.

    3. 对…进行测试;考核;考查
        If you test someone, you ask them questions or tell them to perform certain actions in order to find out how much they know about a subject or how well they are able to do something.

        e.g. There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing pupils in every subject...
        e.g. She decided to test herself with a training run in London.

    4. 测试(题);考试(题);考卷
        A test is a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subject or how well you are able to do something.

        e.g. Out of a total of 2,602 pupils only 922 passed the test...
               所有 2,602 名学生中,只有 922 名通过了测试。
        e.g. She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.

    5. 考验;试探
        If you test someone, you deliberately make things difficult for them in order to see how they react.


        e.g. She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out.

    6. 考验;检验
        If an event or situation is a test of a person or thing, it reveals their qualities or effectiveness.


        e.g. It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship...
        e.g. The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.

    7. 对…进行体检;化验;检查
        If you are tested for a particular disease or medical condition, you are examined or go through various procedures in order to find out whether you have that disease or condition.

        e.g. My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes...
        e.g. Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene.

    8. 体检;(健康)检查
        A medical test is an examination of a part of your body in order to check that you are healthy or to find out what is wrong with you.

        e.g. If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis...
               如有必要,还要进行 X 光检查和验血以帮助诊断。
        e.g. The family doctor ordered numerous, expensive medical tests, which revealed no physical problem.

    9. (常指板球、橄榄球的)国际锦标赛
        A test is a sports match between two international teams, usually in cricket, rugby union, or rugby league.

    10. see also: testing;acid test;breath test;means test;litmus test;test match

    11. 使经受检验;对…进行试验
          If you put something to the test, you find out how useful or effective it is by using it.

          e.g. The Liverpool team are now putting their theory to the test...
          e.g. Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver.

    12. 测试…的强度(或稳定性)
          If new circumstances or events put something to the test, they put a strain on it and indicate how strong or stable it really is.

          e.g. Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.

    13. 经得住时间的考验
          If you say that something will stand the test of time, you mean that it is strong or effective enough to last for a very long time.

          e.g. It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time.

    14. to test the waters -> see water

    test 情景对话



    B:In that class, we have to (take a test every day/ write a long paper/ read lots of books).

    A:What a hard teacher!

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