
  • tell

    英:[tel]   美: [tɛl] 

    tell 基本解释

    1. tell apart : 分辨;

    2. tell off : 分派出, 责备;

    3. tell it like it is : 实事求是地说;

    4. all told : 合计, 总共;

    5. tell the time : 看钟; 报时;

    6. tell on : 使疲倦, 告密;

    同义词: assertcommentcommunicateconveydeclareexpressimpartinformmentionnotereciterelateremarksaystateuttervoice

    tell 相关例句


    1. I told him my name.

    2. I told her my telephone number before we parted.


    3. I can't tell the twin girls apart.

    4. This light tells you if the machine on.


    1. The book tells of his sister's life in Japan.

    tell 网络解释


    1. 说:值得一提的是,为了解除儿童就诊前的戒心,赵文火宣认为,不妨透过解说(Tell)、示范(Show)和操作(Do)的过程,让孩子对牙科器械的认知,从害怕到勇於亲近,另外也可从拟人化的比喻,例如牙科探针形容成「仙女棒」、钻牙形容成「找蛀虫」、上麻药形容成「让牙齿睡著」,

    2. 说出:二、说出(Tell)你的故事. 要与人分享负面的推论是非常困难的,当你在分享这个让人激动的故事时必须要有信心,如果你已经将你的故事背后的事实好好想过一遍,你会发现你的推论是合理、明理而且正派的,值得对方一听.

    3. tell:technology enhanced language learning; 和科技辅助语言学习

    1. 告诉;告知
        If you tell someone something, you give them information.

        e.g. In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over...
        e.g. I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked...

    2. 说(笑话);讲(故事);讲述(个人经历)
        If you tell something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech.

        e.g. His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke...
        e.g. He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs...

    3. 叫;命令;吩咐;建议
        If you tell someone to do something, you order or advise them to do it.


        e.g. A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction...
        e.g. She told me on the telephone to come help clean the house.

    4. 劝说,告诫,鼓舞(自己)
        If you tell yourself something, you put it into words in your own mind because you need to encourage or persuade yourself about something.


        e.g. 'Come on', she told herself...
        e.g. I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get.

    Note that the verb tell is usually followed by a direct object indicating the person who is being addressed. He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia... What did she tell you? 'What did she tell to you?' is wrong. With the verb say, however, if you want to mention the person who is being addressed, you should use the preposition to. 'What did she say you?' is wrong. 'What did she say to you?' is correct. Tell is used to report information that is given to someone. The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn. Tell can also be used with a 'to' infinitive to report an order or instruction. My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner. Say is the most general verb for reporting the words that someone speaks.
    注意,动词tell后面往往跟一个表示听话者的直接宾语:He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia (他告诉艾莉森他患了白血病),What did she tell you (她对你说了些什么)。句子 What did she tell to you 是错误的。不过,用动词 say 时,若要提及听话者,应该用介词 to,What did she say you 不对,What did she say to you 是对的。tell 用来转述信息:The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn (制造商告诉我该产品不含谷物)。tell 也可以和 to 连用,用来转述命令、指示:My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner (我妈叫我别说话专心吃饭)。转述某人说的话时,动词 say 最为常用。 词典解释

    1. 告诉;告知
        If you tell someone something, you give them information.

        e.g. In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over...
        e.g. I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked...

    2. 说(笑话);讲(故事);讲述(个人经历)
        If you tell something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech.

        e.g. His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke...
        e.g. He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs...

    3. 叫;命令;吩咐;建议
        If you tell someone to do something, you order or advise them to do it.


        e.g. A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction...
        e.g. She told me on the telephone to come help clean the house.

    4. 劝说,告诫,鼓舞(自己)
        If you tell yourself something, you put it into words in your own mind because you need to encourage or persuade yourself about something.


        e.g. 'Come on', she told herself...
        e.g. I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get.

    Note that the verb tell is usually followed by a direct object indicating the person who is being addressed. He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia... What did she tell you? 'What did she tell to you?' is wrong. With the verb say, however, if you want to mention the person who is being addressed, you should use the preposition to. 'What did she say you?' is wrong. 'What did she say to you?' is correct. Tell is used to report information that is given to someone. The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn. Tell can also be used with a 'to' infinitive to report an order or instruction. My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner. Say is the most general verb for reporting the words that someone speaks.
    注意,动词tell后面往往跟一个表示听话者的直接宾语:He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia (他告诉艾莉森他患了白血病),What did she tell you (她对你说了些什么)。句子 What did she tell to you 是错误的。不过,用动词 say 时,若要提及听话者,应该用介词 to,What did she say you 不对,What did she say to you 是对的。tell 用来转述信息:The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn (制造商告诉我该产品不含谷物)。tell 也可以和 to 连用,用来转述命令、指示:My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner (我妈叫我别说话专心吃饭)。转述某人说的话时,动词 say 最为常用。

    tell 情景对话


    A:You can’t tell anyone.

    B:I know. I promise.

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