
  • tear

    英:[teə(r)]   美: [ter ] 

    tear 基本解释

    tear 同义词

    tear 相关词组

    1. in tears : 流着泪;

    2. tear off : 扯掉, 跑掉, 匆匆写成;

    同义词: cutripslashsliceslitsplit

    tear 相关例句


    1. He has torn a hole in his shirt.

    2. She tore the letter into tiny pieces.


    1. This material tears easily.


    1. tear什么意思

    1. The sad story moved us to tears.

    2. She is mending a tear in her dress.

    tear 网络解释

    1. 撕裂:「嘻嘻嘻不愧是贝儿的女儿,马上就放松了. 我想想......接下来我想喝用阿萨姆的CTC(注:红茶的加工法之一,碾碎(Crush)、撕裂(Tear)、卷起(Curl)的缩写. )茶叶冲泡的温奶茶呢. 」

    2. 撕破:耳朵(ear)听(ting)到感人(touching)的故事就会百感交集,感觉耳朵犹如或被拉掉,或被撕破(tear)一样,受到触动. 于是要么伤心落泪,要么感激涕零,要么勃然大怒. 总之,眼泪(tear)止不住地掉下来. 人们注重穿戴(wear)无非是为了耳朵(ear)舒服,


    1. 眼泪;泪水;泪珠
        Tears are the drops of salty liquid that come out of your eyes when you are crying.

        e.g. Her eyes filled with tears...
        e.g. I just broke down and wept with tears of joy...

    2. 哭泣
        You can use tears in expressions such as in tears ,burst into tears, and close to tears to indicate that someone is crying or is almost crying.


        e.g. He was in floods of tears on the phone...
        e.g. She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen...

    3. see also: crocodile tears;sweat;and tears
        blood -> see blood



    1. 眼泪;泪水;泪珠
        Tears are the drops of salty liquid that come out of your eyes when you are crying.

        e.g. Her eyes filled with tears...
        e.g. I just broke down and wept with tears of joy...

    2. 哭泣
        You can use tears in expressions such as in tears ,burst into tears, and close to tears to indicate that someone is crying or is almost crying.


        e.g. He was in floods of tears on the phone...
        e.g. She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen...

    3. see also: crocodile tears;sweat;and tears
        blood -> see blood

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