
  • tail

    英:[teɪl]   美: [tel] 

    tail 基本解释

    1. turn tail : 逃跑;


    同义词: backendfollowheelpursuerearshadowsterntrail

    tail 相关例句


    1. The detective was tailing the suspect.

    2. tail的近义词

    2. The police have been tailing him.


    1. We were at the tail of the bus queue.

    2. tail的解释

    2. Heads or tails?

    3. She couldn't figure out who put a tail on her.

    tail 网络解释

    1. 尾片白片:尾片白片 (TAIL) 一卷影片末端所接的一段不透明胶片,以确保影片完整的放映到最后一格,也对影片有保护作用. 维士宽银幕 (VISTAVISION) 美国派拉蒙公司出品的一种宽银幕系统. 外国版 (FOREIGN VERSION) 与原版影片不同语系的放映拷贝,

    2. 彗尾:但有时因太阳的引力而以椭圆形的轨道在太阳系里漫游. 彗星有三个部分,分别是彗核(Nucleus彗发(Coma)构成彗星的头部和彗尾(Tail). 彗发(Coma)和彗尾(Tail)运行到太阳附近时,彗星物质受太阳辐射的照射、蒸发与太阳风的吹袭,才形成彗发与彗尾.

    1. 尾;尾巴
        The tail of an animal, bird, or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body.

        e.g. The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.
        e.g. ...a black dog with a long tail.

    ...white-tailed deer.
    白尾鹿 词典解释

    1. 尾;尾巴
        The tail of an animal, bird, or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body.

        e.g. The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.
        e.g. ...a black dog with a long tail.

    ...white-tailed deer.
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