
  • suite

    英:[swi:t]   美: [swit] 

    suite 基本解释

    名词[计](软件的)套件; (房间,器具等)一套,一副; [乐]组曲; 随从


    suite 网络解释

    1. 套间:你出去玩是想花$100 住在标准间, 还是想用同 样的钱住在套间(suite)还有一大盘水果和巧克力和免费瓶装水, 免费早餐及免费的私人接待室 (free lounge access), 我想大家的答案都是后者吧!

    2. suite的意思

    2. 套房:(1)按房间内床位数量与大小分为:单人房(single),双人房(double),套房(suite)(2)按房内装饰装修程度分为:标准房(standard),高档房(superior),豪华房(deluxe)北京净雅大酒店座落于皇城心脉,地处王府井商业圈的繁华黄金地带,

    1. 一套房间;套间
        A suite is a set of rooms in a hotel or other building.

        e.g. They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton.
        e.g. ...a new suite of offices.

    2. 一套家具
        A suite is a set of matching armchairs and a sofa.

        e.g. ...a three-piece suite.

    3. 一套浴室家具
        A bathroom suite is a matching bath, washbasin, and toilet.


    1. 一套房间;套间
        A suite is a set of rooms in a hotel or other building.

        e.g. They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton.
        e.g. ...a new suite of offices.

    2. 一套家具
        A suite is a set of matching armchairs and a sofa.

        e.g. ...a three-piece suite.

    3. 一套浴室家具
        A bathroom suite is a matching bath, washbasin, and toilet.

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