
  • suggest

    英:[səˈdʒest]   美: [səɡˈdʒɛst, səˈdʒɛst] 

    suggest 基本解释

    suggest 相关词组

    1. suggest itself to : 浮现在脑海里;

    同义词: advisehintimplyintimatepropose

    suggest 相关例句


    1. The thought of summer suggests swimming.

    2. I suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train.

    3. He suggested going out for a walk.

    4. The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day.

    5. That cloud suggests a boat to me.

    suggest 网络解释

    1. suggest的意思

    1. 建议:取决于下属人员认同、仰视、愿意模仿领导者行为的程度领导的四种方式 命令(Command) 请求(Request) 建议(Suggest) 鼓励敢死队(Call for Volunteer) 领导的特点领导才能领导能力--LEADERSHIPL-LISTEN(倾听)E-EXPLAIN(说明)A-ASSI

    2. 表明:C. 指作者在火车上所观察到的景色(scene)的变化--从绿树到平原,再到高山. 42. A. 指作者在沿途看到了许多新的陌生的植物,这表明(suggest). 指作者在沿途看到了许多新的陌生的植物,这表明他今后还会接触到更多新的奥秘.

    1. 提议;建议
        If you suggest something, you put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about.

        e.g. He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds...
               他认为 7 岁大的学生的测试分数和班级的规模有关系。
        e.g. I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past...

    2. 推荐;举荐
        If you suggest the name of a person or place, you recommend them to someone.


        e.g. Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?...
        e.g. They can suggest where to buy one.

    3. 意思是;言下之意是
        If you suggest that something is the case, you say something which you believe is the case.


        e.g. I'm not suggesting that is what is happening...
        e.g. It is wrong to suggest that there are easy alternatives...

    4. 暗示;表明;显示
        If one thing suggests another, it implies it or makes you think that it might be the case.

        e.g. Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday...
        e.g. Its hairy body suggests a mammal.

    5. 使联想到;使想起
        If one thing suggests another, it brings it to your mind through an association of ideas.

        e.g. This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut.

    Note that suggest cannot usually be followed directly by a noun or pronoun referring to a person. You generally have to put the preposition to in front of it. You do not 'suggest someone something', you 'suggest something to someone'. John Caskey first suggested this idea to me. Nor do you 'suggest someone to do something' unless suggest means recommend. You 'suggest that someone does something'. Beatrice suggested that he spend the summer at their place. Do not confuse suggest and advise. If you suggest something, you mention it as an idea or plan for someone to think about. If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do. I advised him to leave as soon as possible.
    注意 suggest 后通常不能直接跟指人的名词或代词,一般要在这类名词或代词之前加介词 to。不能说 suggest someone something,而说 suggest something to someone,例如:John Caskey first suggested this idea to me (约翰·卡斯基首先向我提出了这一想法)。一般也不说suggest someone to do something,除非 suggest 表示推荐;一般会说 suggest that someone does something,例如:Beatrice suggested that he spend the summer at their place (比阿特丽斯提议他在他们那里度夏)。不要混淆suggest 和 advise。suggest 表示提出供他人考虑的想法或计划。advise 表示建议某人做某事,例如:I advised him to leave as soon as possible (我建议他尽快离开)。 词典解释

    1. 提议;建议
        If you suggest something, you put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about.

        e.g. He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds...
               他认为 7 岁大的学生的测试分数和班级的规模有关系。
        e.g. I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past...

    2. 推荐;举荐
        If you suggest the name of a person or place, you recommend them to someone.


        e.g. Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?...
        e.g. They can suggest where to buy one.

    3. 意思是;言下之意是
        If you suggest that something is the case, you say something which you believe is the case.


        e.g. I'm not suggesting that is what is happening...
        e.g. It is wrong to suggest that there are easy alternatives...

    4. 暗示;表明;显示
        If one thing suggests another, it implies it or makes you think that it might be the case.

        e.g. Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday...
        e.g. Its hairy body suggests a mammal.

    5. 使联想到;使想起
        If one thing suggests another, it brings it to your mind through an association of ideas.

        e.g. This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut.

    Note that suggest cannot usually be followed directly by a noun or pronoun referring to a person. You generally have to put the preposition to in front of it. You do not 'suggest someone something', you 'suggest something to someone'. John Caskey first suggested this idea to me. Nor do you 'suggest someone to do something' unless suggest means recommend. You 'suggest that someone does something'. Beatrice suggested that he spend the summer at their place. Do not confuse suggest and advise. If you suggest something, you mention it as an idea or plan for someone to think about. If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do. I advised him to leave as soon as possible.
    注意 suggest 后通常不能直接跟指人的名词或代词,一般要在这类名词或代词之前加介词 to。不能说 suggest someone something,而说 suggest something to someone,例如:John Caskey first suggested this idea to me (约翰·卡斯基首先向我提出了这一想法)。一般也不说suggest someone to do something,除非 suggest 表示推荐;一般会说 suggest that someone does something,例如:Beatrice suggested that he spend the summer at their place (比阿特丽斯提议他在他们那里度夏)。不要混淆suggest 和 advise。suggest 表示提出供他人考虑的想法或计划。advise 表示建议某人做某事,例如:I advised him to leave as soon as possible (我建议他尽快离开)。

    suggest 情景对话


    A:I suggest that you go and ask for help from the policeman.

    B:Not a bit.

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