
  • stream

    英:[stri:m]   美: [strim] 

    stream 基本解释

    名词河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的)连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串


    不及物动词飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动

    及物动词按能力分班(或分组); 按能力分班(或分组)

    stream 相关词组

    1. go against the stream : 反潮流;

    2. on stream : 进行生产;

    stream 相关例句


    1. stream

    1. The school streams pupils into three classes.


    1. Her long hair was streaming in the wind.

    2. Tears streamed from her eyes.

    3. The pipe broke and water streamed onto the floor.


    1. People kept coming in streams.

    stream 网络解释

    1. stream在线翻译

    1. 串;流:②串流(stream)型表示Flash不能足够快地绘制动画的帧时就跳过帧. 与事件型声音不同,串流型声音随着影片的停止而停止,而且音频流的播放时间绝对不会比帧的播放时间长.

    2. 小溪:专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl)成年之后才谄媚(adulate),否定以后起波澜(undulate),模式变调才调音(modulate),拖拖拉拉才发芽(pullulate)弟弟做苦工(drudge),哥哥表抱怨(grudge),罚他去跋涉(trudge)小溪(stream)无花是蒸汽(steam),

    3. stream:standard tensioned replenishment alongside method; 标准张力法

    1. 小河;溪
        A stream is a small narrow river.

        e.g. There was a small stream at the end of the garden.
        e.g. ...a mountain stream.

    2. (烟、气、液体的)流,股
        A stream of smoke, air, or liquid is a narrow moving mass of it.

        e.g. He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke...
        e.g. Add the oil in a slow, steady stream.

    3. (车)流;(人)流
        A stream of vehicles or people is a long moving line of them.


        e.g. There was a stream of traffic behind him.

    4. 一连串;接二连三;源源不断
        A stream of things is a large number of them occurring one after another.

        e.g. The discovery triggered a stream of readers' letters.
        e.g. ...a never-ending stream of jokes...

    5. 流;流动;流出
        If a liquid streams somewhere, it flows or comes out in large amounts.

        e.g. Tears streamed down their faces...
        e.g. She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair.

    6. 流眼泪;流鼻涕
        If your eyes are streaming, liquid is coming from them, for example because you have a cold. You can also say that your nose is streaming .

        e.g. Her eyes were streaming now from the wind...
        e.g. A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat.

    7. 鱼贯而行;涌动;蜂拥
        If people or vehicles stream somewhere, they move there quickly and in large numbers.


        e.g. Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months...
        e.g. The traffic streamed past him...

    8. 照射
        When light streams into or out of a place, it shines strongly into or out of it.


        e.g. Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.

    9. 飘动;飘扬
        If something such as a flag or someone's hair streams in the wind, it is blown so that it is almost horizontal.

        e.g. She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her...
        e.g. He had been greeted by the sight of his mother, her red hair wildly streaming.

    10. (把孩子按年龄和能力编在一起的)班,组
        In a school, a stream is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together.

        e.g. Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 track 词典解释

    1. 小河;溪
        A stream is a small narrow river.

        e.g. There was a small stream at the end of the garden.
        e.g. ...a mountain stream.

    2. (烟、气、液体的)流,股
        A stream of smoke, air, or liquid is a narrow moving mass of it.

        e.g. He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke...
        e.g. Add the oil in a slow, steady stream.

    3. (车)流;(人)流
        A stream of vehicles or people is a long moving line of them.


        e.g. There was a stream of traffic behind him.

    4. 一连串;接二连三;源源不断
        A stream of things is a large number of them occurring one after another.

        e.g. The discovery triggered a stream of readers' letters.
        e.g. ...a never-ending stream of jokes...

    5. 流;流动;流出
        If a liquid streams somewhere, it flows or comes out in large amounts.

        e.g. Tears streamed down their faces...
        e.g. She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair.

    6. 流眼泪;流鼻涕
        If your eyes are streaming, liquid is coming from them, for example because you have a cold. You can also say that your nose is streaming .

        e.g. Her eyes were streaming now from the wind...
        e.g. A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat.

    7. 鱼贯而行;涌动;蜂拥
        If people or vehicles stream somewhere, they move there quickly and in large numbers.


        e.g. Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months...
        e.g. The traffic streamed past him...

    8. 照射
        When light streams into or out of a place, it shines strongly into or out of it.


        e.g. Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.

    9. 飘动;飘扬
        If something such as a flag or someone's hair streams in the wind, it is blown so that it is almost horizontal.

        e.g. She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her...
        e.g. He had been greeted by the sight of his mother, her red hair wildly streaming.

    10. (把孩子按年龄和能力编在一起的)班,组
        In a school, a stream is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together.

        e.g. Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 track
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