
  • strain

    英:[streɪn]   美: [stren] 

    strain 基本解释


    同义词: breeddescentextendhurtinjurepullqualityracestretchtensetowtracetugwrench

    strain 相关例句


    1. They strained on the rope to pull the boat in.

    2. strain的意思

    2. She strained her eyes in the darkness.


    1. He strained at the rope and the boat moved.


    1. The Irish strain in him makes him like jokes.

    2. He has a strain of melancholy in him.

    strain 网络解释

    1. 菌株:活体[[结核]]疫苗是以不具[[传染]]性的结核[[菌株]](strain)所制,但[[卡介苗]]在美国却鲜少使用. ;活体减毒疫苗:利用培养技术制造出的活体微生物,在制程中利用添加化学药剂、改变遗传物质、或是施以物理变化,以得到减低或去除毒性的品种.

    2. 拉紧:共同带来为协商(confer),共同坚定为 确认(confirm),共同发现易搞混(confound),共同做过为宽恕(condone),共同夹死为拥挤 (congest),共同给予为默许(connive) 大街上下雨为拉紧(strain),共同拉紧是束缚(constrain),

    3. 品系:种以下又分亚种(变种),型,类群,菌株(品系) 菌株(品系)(strain): 表示任何由一个独立分离的单细胞繁殖成的纯种群体及其一切后代. (二)命名 命名按照<<国际细菌命名法规>>,采用林奈氏双名法.

    1. 压力;负担;重负
        If strain is put on an organization or system, it has to do more than it is able to do.

        e.g. The prison service is already under considerable strain...
        e.g. The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.

    2. 使不堪承受;使紧张
        To strain something means to make it do more than it is able to do.

        e.g. The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system...
        e.g. Resources will be further strained by new demands for housing.

    3. (精神上的)压力,重负,紧张
        Strain is a state of worry and tension caused by a difficult situation.

        e.g. She was tired and under great strain.
        e.g. ...the stresses and strains of a busy and demanding career.

    4. 带来压力的情况;造成紧张的因素
        If you say that a situation is a strain, you mean that it makes you worried and tense.

        e.g. I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.

    5. 应力;张力;拉力;作用力;压力
        Strain is a force that pushes, pulls, or stretches something in a way that may damage it.

        e.g. Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back...
        e.g. A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected.

    6. (肌肉的)扭伤,拉伤,劳损
        Strain is an injury to a muscle in your body, caused by using the muscle too much or twisting it.

        e.g. Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging.
        e.g. ...a groin strain.

    7. 扭伤,拉伤,损伤(肌肉)
        If you strain a muscle, you injure it by using it too much or twisting it.

        e.g. He strained his back during a practice session.

    8. 努力做;竭力做;费力做事
        If you strain to do something, you make a great effort to do it when it is difficult to do.


        e.g. I had to strain to hear...
        e.g. Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president...

    9. 过滤;滤掉(食物中)的液体
        When you strain food, you separate the liquid part of it from the solid parts.

        e.g. Strain the stock and put it back into the pan.

    10. 气质;特性;风格;作风
        You can use strain to refer to a particular quality in someone's character, remarks, or work.

        e.g. There was a strain of bitterness in his voice.
        e.g. ...this cynical strain in the book.

    11. (病菌的)类型;(植物或其他有机物的)系,品系,品种
          A strain of a germ, plant, or other organism is a particular type of it.

          e.g. Every year new strains of influenza develop.
          e.g. ...a particularly beautiful strain of Swiss pansies.

    12. 旋律;曲调
          If you hear the strains of music, you hear music being played.


          e.g. She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra.

    13. see also: eye strain;repetitive strain injury


    1. 压力;负担;重负
        If strain is put on an organization or system, it has to do more than it is able to do.

        e.g. The prison service is already under considerable strain...
        e.g. The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.

    2. 使不堪承受;使紧张
        To strain something means to make it do more than it is able to do.

        e.g. The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system...
        e.g. Resources will be further strained by new demands for housing.

    3. (精神上的)压力,重负,紧张
        Strain is a state of worry and tension caused by a difficult situation.

        e.g. She was tired and under great strain.
        e.g. ...the stresses and strains of a busy and demanding career.

    4. 带来压力的情况;造成紧张的因素
        If you say that a situation is a strain, you mean that it makes you worried and tense.

        e.g. I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.

    5. 应力;张力;拉力;作用力;压力
        Strain is a force that pushes, pulls, or stretches something in a way that may damage it.

        e.g. Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back...
        e.g. A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected.

    6. (肌肉的)扭伤,拉伤,劳损
        Strain is an injury to a muscle in your body, caused by using the muscle too much or twisting it.

        e.g. Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging.
        e.g. ...a groin strain.

    7. 扭伤,拉伤,损伤(肌肉)
        If you strain a muscle, you injure it by using it too much or twisting it.

        e.g. He strained his back during a practice session.

    8. 努力做;竭力做;费力做事
        If you strain to do something, you make a great effort to do it when it is difficult to do.


        e.g. I had to strain to hear...
        e.g. Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president...

    9. 过滤;滤掉(食物中)的液体
        When you strain food, you separate the liquid part of it from the solid parts.

        e.g. Strain the stock and put it back into the pan.

    10. 气质;特性;风格;作风
        You can use strain to refer to a particular quality in someone's character, remarks, or work.

        e.g. There was a strain of bitterness in his voice.
        e.g. ...this cynical strain in the book.

    11. (病菌的)类型;(植物或其他有机物的)系,品系,品种
          A strain of a germ, plant, or other organism is a particular type of it.

          e.g. Every year new strains of influenza develop.
          e.g. ...a particularly beautiful strain of Swiss pansies.

    12. 旋律;曲调
          If you hear the strains of music, you hear music being played.


          e.g. She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra.

    13. see also: eye strain;repetitive strain injury

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