
  • slogan

    英:[ˈsləʊgən]   美: [ˈsloʊgən] 

    slogan 基本解释


    slogan 相关例句


    slogan 网络解释

    1. 广告口号:对于当今的商业品牌来说,由于社会整体性的品牌意识增强,更要善于利用语言要素进行构词,再通过用词语的意像组合来创造品牌名称的意像、广告口号(Slogan)的意像,从而承载起品牌的优美内涵.


    2. 口号:虽然嬉皮风已起,但她却是第一个如此大胆的女艺人. 1968年,初为人母的珍.柏金虽不会说法文,却争取到电影<<口号>>(Slogan)的演出机会. 也因为到法国拍片,与法国作曲家塞奇甘兹柏(Serge Gainsbourg)发生婚外情.

    3. 标语,口号:人们必须设想好一种产品从材料到完成的过程,使考虑中的形象与完成的制品形象丝毫不差,这可以说是设计思考方法产生的理由之一. 分别为品红(Magenta red)、青色(Cyanine blue)、黄(Yellow)三色. g.标语口号(slogan)h.图标(seals)及信号(signatures)


    4. 标语:slogan (标语,口号)看作s+log+an,s形的圆木(log)上刻着一条(an)标语(slogan). 第三段指出,英国广播公司(BBC)已有70多年的光辉历程,然而,目前其前景不明(in doubt). 虽然(至少就目前而言)作为一个公办广播机构,广播公司将继续存在下去,

    1. 口号;标语
        A slogan is a short phrase that is easy to remember. Slogans are used in advertisements and by political parties and other organizations who want people to remember what they are saying or selling.

        e.g. They could campaign on the slogan 'We'll take less of your money'.
        e.g. ...a group of angry demonstrators shouting slogans.


    1. 口号;标语
        A slogan is a short phrase that is easy to remember. Slogans are used in advertisements and by political parties and other organizations who want people to remember what they are saying or selling.

        e.g. They could campaign on the slogan 'We'll take less of your money'.
        e.g. ...a group of angry demonstrators shouting slogans.

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