
  • sleepy

    英:[ˈsli:pi]   美: [ˈslipi] 

    sleepy 基本解释

    sleepy 反义词


    同义词: asleep

    sleepy 相关例句


    2. She suddenly started to feel very sleepy.

    3. I felt sleepy all day.

    4. She always has a sleepy expression.

    sleepy 网络解释

    1. 瞌睡:灰姑娘的名字叫仙杜丽娜(Cinderella) 现在一般译为辛德瑞拉白雪公主的名字就是白雪(Snow White) 七个小矮人分别是博士(DOC) 生气(Grumpy) 快乐(Happy) 瞌睡(Sleepy) 害羞(Bashful) 喷嚏(Sneezy) 迟钝(Dopey) 一点系列性都没有

    2. 困乏的, 欲睡的:dating billing 为延期收款而填迟发票日期 | sleepy 困乏的, 欲睡的 | free-swinging 大胆的, 直率的

    3. 昏睡:silly 愚蠢 | sleepy 昏睡 | sore 痛心

    4. 困乏的:sleepwear 睡衣裤 | sleepy 困乏的 | sleepyhead 贪睡者

    1. 困的;瞌睡的
        If you are sleepy, you are very tired and are almost asleep.


        e.g. I was beginning to feel amazingly sleepy...
        e.g. She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her.

    Joanna sat up, blinking sleepily.
    乔安娜坐起身来,睡意未消地眨着眼睛。 词典解释

    1. 困的;瞌睡的
        If you are sleepy, you are very tired and are almost asleep.


        e.g. I was beginning to feel amazingly sleepy...
        e.g. She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her.

    Joanna sat up, blinking sleepily.

    sleepy 情景对话


    A:It’s time for bed.

    B:But I’m not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more TV?

    A:It’s already past 11. You have school tomorrow. You’ll be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don’t sleep well tonight.
          已经是十一点多了。你明天还要上学。 如果你今晚上不休息好的话,明天一天你都会犯困的。

    B:I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow. I work really hard.

    A:Don’t you have exams coming up? soon? I’m sure you could spend more time preparing? for those.

    B:Oh, I nearly forgot the exams.

    A:You do well in the math, but your history is not good enough. Am I right?

    B:Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I could go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow.

    A:An excellent idea. Work now and play later.

    B:I know you’re right. School is more important than TV, but can I watch one more show then go to bed?

    A:No, now is bedtime.

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