
  • silly

    英:[ˈsɪli]   美: [ˈsɪli] 

    silly 基本解释

    形容词蠢的; 糊涂的; 不明事理的; 没头脑的

    名词(常用于向孩子指出其愚蠢行为)傻孩子,淘气鬼; 傻子,蠢货

    silly 同义词


    silly 反义词



    同义词: foolishridiculous

    silly 相关例句



    1. I was knocked silly by the news.

    2. Don't be silly, that insect can't hurt you.

    3. He told a silly story.

    4. silly的意思

    4. You were very silly to trust him.


    1. silly的反义词

    1. Well, silly, why not stay!

    silly 网络解释

    1. 无聊:英业达发言人徐信群在记者电话求证是否曾与鸿海 接触时愤怒地表示,不需要随法人报告起舞,英业达并 无针对购并案发布任何重大讯息,这个问题是愚蠢及无聊 (silly)的.

    2. silly

    2. 小妞哧哧笑你真:以至俺没反应样子Clumsy. | 小妞哧哧笑你真Silly, | 象几辈子没见过Beauty.

    3. 愚蠢的:silly season 新闻缺乏时期 | silly 愚蠢的 | silo 筒仓

    1. 愚蠢的;幼稚的;荒唐的
        If you say that someone or something is silly, you mean that they are foolish, childish, or ridiculous.

        e.g. My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this...
        e.g. You silly boy; why did you tramp about so long in the cold?...

    She looked round to make sure there was no giggling or silliness.
    她环顾四周以确定没有人咯咯傻笑或做任何愚蠢的行为。 词典解释

    1. 愚蠢的;幼稚的;荒唐的
        If you say that someone or something is silly, you mean that they are foolish, childish, or ridiculous.

        e.g. My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this...
        e.g. You silly boy; why did you tramp about so long in the cold?...

    She looked round to make sure there was no giggling or silliness.

    silly 情景对话


    A:This is the last of the milk.

    B:I know. I intend to go to the store today.

    A:Would you get some of that new cereal we saw advertised on TV?


    B:Which one?


    A:You know … the one with the silly ad about how vitamins jump up and down.

    B:Oh, you mean “KIKIES”?

    A:Yeah. That’s the one.

    B:Well, I’ll see. Sometimes the stores don’t have some of the new kinds of cereal.

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