
  • silence

    英:[ˈsaɪləns]   美: [ˈsaɪləns] 

    silence 基本解释

    silence 相关词组

    1. in silence : 沉默着;

    2. keep silence : 保持沉默;

    3. pass into silence : 湮没在无声无息中;

    4. break silence : 打破沉默, 开口说话;

    同义词: quietstill

    silence 相关例句


    1. silence的解释

    1. The teacher tried to silence the pupils.

    2. silence的意思

    2. It's no use silencing opposition.


    1. I can't understand his silence on such an important matter.

    2. silence的意思

    2. The silence was broken by a loud cry.

    3. Jane first broke the silence.

    silence 网络解释

    1. 安静:她的回答是安静(silence)对于心理治疗师很重要,利用这安静的一分钟,你可以练习如何面对你的客户. 呵呵,她说的挺有理的. 只是我仍然觉她并没有给一个没有宗教信仰的人留出空间. 一节课2分钟是很短的时间,但是这是大家的时间,

    2. 寂静:他还说,明年他在日本摄制的电影<<寂静>>(SILENCE)将是他为好莱坞执导的最后一部大片. 这部电影讲述的是葡萄牙牧师17世纪前往日本传教的故事.

    1. 沉默;缄默;不作声
        If there is silence, nobody is speaking.


        e.g. They stood in silence...
        e.g. He never lets those long silences develop during dinner...

    2. 寂静;无声
        The silence of a place is the extreme quietness there.

        e.g. ...the silence of that rainless, all-concealing fog...
        e.g. She breathed deeply, savouring the silence.

    3. 缄默;绝口不提;闭口不谈
        Someone's silence about something is their failure or refusal to speak to other people about it.


        e.g. The district court ruled that Popper's silence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty.

    4. 使安静;使无声;使不说话
        To silence someone or something means to stop them speaking or making a noise.

        e.g. A ringing phone silenced her...
        e.g. The shock silenced him completely.

    5. 制止,使不再发表(反对意见)
        If someone silences you, they stop you expressing opinions that they do not agree with.

        e.g. Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him.
        e.g. ...an unsuccessful attempt by the government to silence the debate.

    6. 杀…灭口
        To silence someone means to kill them in order to stop them revealing something secret.

        e.g. A hit man had been sent to silence her over the affair.


    1. 沉默;缄默;不作声
        If there is silence, nobody is speaking.


        e.g. They stood in silence...
        e.g. He never lets those long silences develop during dinner...

    2. 寂静;无声
        The silence of a place is the extreme quietness there.

        e.g. ...the silence of that rainless, all-concealing fog...
        e.g. She breathed deeply, savouring the silence.

    3. 缄默;绝口不提;闭口不谈
        Someone's silence about something is their failure or refusal to speak to other people about it.


        e.g. The district court ruled that Popper's silence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty.

    4. 使安静;使无声;使不说话
        To silence someone or something means to stop them speaking or making a noise.

        e.g. A ringing phone silenced her...
        e.g. The shock silenced him completely.

    5. 制止,使不再发表(反对意见)
        If someone silences you, they stop you expressing opinions that they do not agree with.

        e.g. Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him.
        e.g. ...an unsuccessful attempt by the government to silence the debate.

    6. 杀…灭口
        To silence someone means to kill them in order to stop them revealing something secret.

        e.g. A hit man had been sent to silence her over the affair.

    silence 情景对话


    B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?

    A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.


    B:How do you normally handle criticism?

    A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.

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