
  • sideways

    英:[ˈsaɪdweɪz]   美: [ˈsaɪdˌwez] 

    sideways 基本解释

    副词斜着,斜向一边; 以侧面对着


    sideways 相关例句


    1. We turned the table sideways to get it into the room.

    2. sideways的意思

    2. We had to get through the narrow opening sideways.

    3. Crabs walk sideways.


    1. He cast a sideways glance at me.

    sideways 网络解释

    1. 杯酒人生/并肩前行:本站提供杯酒人生/并肩前行(Sideways)在线观看服务,但暂不杯酒人生/并肩前行(Sideways)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关杯酒人生/并肩前行(Sideways)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

    2. sideways:sdws; 侧

    1. 往(或从、向)一侧
        Sideways means from or towards the side of something or someone.

        e.g. Piercey glanced sideways at her...
        e.g. The ladder blew sideways...

    2. (调动工作)平级地
        If you are moved sideways at work, you move to another job at the same level as your old job.

        e.g. He would be moved sideways, rather than demoted.

    3. 使大为吃惊;使极为困惑;使大为不快
        If you are knocked sideways by something, it makes you feel very surprised, confused, or upset.

        e.g. He was knocked sideways by the result...
        e.g. A week ago I met my ex-boyfriend and it knocked us both sideways.


    1. 往(或从、向)一侧
        Sideways means from or towards the side of something or someone.

        e.g. Piercey glanced sideways at her...
        e.g. The ladder blew sideways...

    2. (调动工作)平级地
        If you are moved sideways at work, you move to another job at the same level as your old job.

        e.g. He would be moved sideways, rather than demoted.

    3. 使大为吃惊;使极为困惑;使大为不快
        If you are knocked sideways by something, it makes you feel very surprised, confused, or upset.

        e.g. He was knocked sideways by the result...
        e.g. A week ago I met my ex-boyfriend and it knocked us both sideways.

    sideways 情景对话


    A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.

    B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.


    A:Like this?

    B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…

    A:I think I’m warmed up now.


    B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?


    A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?

    B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.

    A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?

    B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.

    A:Is this right?

    B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.


    A:How many times do we repeat this?

    B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.

    A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!

    B:Not a problem.

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