
  • shrink

    英:[ʃrɪŋk]   美: [ʃrɪŋk] 

    shrink 基本解释

    shrink 相关词组

    1. shrink into oneself : 缩成一团, 变得沉默;

    同义词: contractretreatwithdraw

    shrink 相关例句


    1. shrink什么意思

    1. Shortage of hands has shrunk our plant's yearly output.


    1. This dress material shrinks in the wash.

    2. He shrank with cold.

    3. When his influence began to shrink, his wealth also decreased.

    4. The dress shrank when I washed it.

    shrink 网络解释

    1. 损耗:职位简介:My Job is: 工作内容: 带领团队,控制好门店的损耗(shrink) 特别注意监控进出口区域、易丢失商品区域 培训员工如何防损. 让全店的员工都参与防损 维护好店内的防损设备 负责仓库的消防,培训仓库人员的消防知识 与当地派出所保持良好...

    2. shrink

    2. 心理医生:不久前看的电影<心理医生(SHRINK)>, 里面因为母亲自杀而出现问题的杰玛(Jemma)是学校安排她去看心理医生的, 现在我们的学校会起这样的作用么? 这样的环境下, 父母怎么做就变得更关键了. 如果父母本身已经焦头烂额, 不顾及孩子,

    1. (通常指布料、衣服等洗后)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩
        If cloth or clothing shrinks, it becomes smaller in size, usually as a result of being washed.


        e.g. All my jumpers have shrunk.

    2. (使)缩小;(使)收缩;(使)减少
        If something shrinks or something else shrinks it, it becomes smaller.


        e.g. The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk...
        e.g. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.

    3. (因害怕、震惊或厌恶)退缩,畏缩,避开
        If you shrink away from someone or something, you move away from them because you are frightened, shocked, or disgusted by them.

        e.g. One child shrinks away from me when I try to talk to him...
        e.g. Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall...

    4. 畏避,回避(工作、责任等)
        If you do not shrink from a task or duty, you do it even though it is unpleasant or dangerous.

        e.g. We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible...
        e.g. They didn't shrink from danger.

    5. 精神病学家;心理学家
        A shrink is a psychiatrist.

        e.g. I've seen a shrink already.

    6. no shrinking violet -> see violet


    1. (通常指布料、衣服等洗后)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩
        If cloth or clothing shrinks, it becomes smaller in size, usually as a result of being washed.


        e.g. All my jumpers have shrunk.

    2. (使)缩小;(使)收缩;(使)减少
        If something shrinks or something else shrinks it, it becomes smaller.


        e.g. The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk...
        e.g. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.

    3. (因害怕、震惊或厌恶)退缩,畏缩,避开
        If you shrink away from someone or something, you move away from them because you are frightened, shocked, or disgusted by them.

        e.g. One child shrinks away from me when I try to talk to him...
        e.g. Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall...

    4. 畏避,回避(工作、责任等)
        If you do not shrink from a task or duty, you do it even though it is unpleasant or dangerous.

        e.g. We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible...
        e.g. They didn't shrink from danger.

    5. 精神病学家;心理学家
        A shrink is a psychiatrist.

        e.g. I've seen a shrink already.

    6. no shrinking violet -> see violet

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