
  • serial

    英:[ˈsɪəriəl]   美: [ˈsɪriəl] 

    serial 基本解释

    形容词连续的; 连载的; 顺序排列的; 分期偿付的

    名词连载小说; 电视连续剧; 定期刊物; [军]行军梯队

    serial 网络解释

    1. 续集电影:续集电影 (SERIAL) 1912年至1920年间风行之电影风格,每一集人物、地点连贯,大都为好人与恶人相斗,总在最后一刻结局揭晓前喊停,观众必须继续看下回才知结局.

    2. 串口:在路由器的广域网连接中,应用最多的端口还要算"高速同步串口"(SERIAL)了,这种端口主要是用于连接目前应用非常广泛的DDN、帧中继(Frame Relay)、X.25、PSTN(模拟电话线路)等网络连接模式.

    3. 序列:及资料使用的字元集 (CHARACTER SET).电子邮件 (E-MAIL) 程式使用 MIME 来定义传送的附加档案为文字, 影像, 声音或其他格式.ANSI 的高频宽 (BANDWIDTH) 光纤 (FIBER-OPTICS) 序列 (SERIAL) 资料传输标准, 使用在高容量的高速储存体传输资料用,

    1. (电视或广播的)连续剧;(报纸或杂志上的)连载小说
        A serial is a story which is broadcast on television or radio or is published in a magazine or newspaper in a number of parts over a period of time.

        e.g. ...one of BBC television's most popular serials, Eastenders...
        e.g. Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials.

    2. 连续的;连环的
        Serial killings or attacks are a series of killings or attacks committed by the same person. This person is known as a serial killer or attacker.

        e.g. ...serial murders...
        e.g. The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people.
               那名连环杀手声称已经杀了 400 人。

    Take care not to confuse serial and series
    注意不要混淆 serial 和 series。 词典解释

    1. (电视或广播的)连续剧;(报纸或杂志上的)连载小说
        A serial is a story which is broadcast on television or radio or is published in a magazine or newspaper in a number of parts over a period of time.

        e.g. ...one of BBC television's most popular serials, Eastenders...
        e.g. Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials.

    2. 连续的;连环的
        Serial killings or attacks are a series of killings or attacks committed by the same person. This person is known as a serial killer or attacker.

        e.g. ...serial murders...
        e.g. The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people.
               那名连环杀手声称已经杀了 400 人。

    Take care not to confuse serial and series
    注意不要混淆 serial 和 series。
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