
  • scene

    英:[si:n]   美: [sin] 

    scene 基本解释

    名词场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件

    scene 相关词组

    1. set the scene : 作好准备;

    2. make the scene : 露面, 参与;

    scene 相关例句


    1. Did you make a scene with her?

    2. The scene of this story is Germany during World War I.

    3. What a fantastic mountain scene!

    4. The scene of this play is set in Ireland.

    5. The criminal fled the scene.

    scene 网络解释

    1. 场景 场景:Flash介绍层 场景 场景(Scene)是借用影视艺术里的术语,相当于在同一部电影里要采用不同的背景、不同的场合拍各种镜头一样. 场景是在复杂的Flash动画中的几个相互联系但性质不同的分镜头. Flash介绍 元件 元件(Symbol)就像是电影里面的演员,

    2. scene

    2. 情景:相信思考过的人都明白--情景(scene)是作品的重要组成部分,是作品用来令他人产生同感的手段

    3. scene:of scene; 个人精选

    1. (戏剧、书的)场面,片段;(电影)镜头
        A scene in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.


        e.g. I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant.
        e.g. ...the opening scene of 'A Christmas Carol'.

    2. (给人以某种印象的)景象,场景,场面
        You refer to a place as a scene when you are describing its appearance and indicating what impression it makes on you.

        e.g. It's a scene of complete devastation...
        e.g. Thick black smoke billowed over the scene...

    3. (通过画面显示的或看到的)事件,场面,情景
        You can describe an event that you see, or that is broadcast or shown in a picture, as a scene of a particular kind.

        e.g. There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom...
        e.g. Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence...

    4. (事情发生的)地点,现场
        The scene of an event is the place where it happened.


        e.g. The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months...
               这一地区 3 个月以来不断发生激战。
        e.g. ...traces left at the scene of a crime...

    5. (活动)领域,圈子;界;坛
        You can refer to an area of activity as a particular type of scene .

        e.g. Sandman is a cult figure on the local music scene.
        e.g. ...when he first burst onto the national political scene at age 28.
               当他在 28 岁刚刚闯入国家政坛时

    6. 风景画
        Paintings and drawings of places are sometimes called scenes .

        e.g. ...James Lynch's country scenes.

    7. (当众)发脾气,吵闹
        If you make a scene, you embarrass people by publicly showing your anger about something.

        e.g. I'm sorry I made such a scene.

    8. 在幕后;秘密地;不公开地
        If something is done behind the scenes, it is done secretly rather than publicly.

        e.g. But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.
        e.g. ...behind-the-scenes discussions.

    9. (电影、戏剧、广播电视节目的制作)在幕后,在后台
        If you refer to what happens behind the scenes, you are referring to what happens during the making of a film, play, or radio or television programme.

        e.g. It's an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.

    10. 换换环境
        If you have a change of scene, you go somewhere different after being in a particular place for a long time.


        e.g. What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?

    11. 介绍背景;事先介绍情况
          If you set the scene for someone, you tell them what they need to know in order to understand what is going to happen or be said next.

          e.g. But first to set the scene: I was having a drink with my ex-boyfriend.

    12. 为…铺平道路;为…做好准备
          Something that sets the scene for a particular event creates the conditions in which the event is likely to happen.

          e.g. Gillespie's goal set the scene for an exciting second half.

    13. 登场/离场;到场/消失;介入/摆脱
          When a person or thing appears on the scene, they come into being or become involved in something. When they disappear from the scene, they are no longer there or are no longer involved.

          e.g. He could react rather jealously when and if another child comes on the scene...
          e.g. Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.

    14. 不喜欢;不合意
          If you say that an activity or place is not your scene, you mean that you do not like it or enjoy it.


          e.g. Lying on the beach all week isn't my scene.

    Take care not to confuse scene and scenery
    注意不要混淆 scene 和 scenery。 词典解释

    1. (戏剧、书的)场面,片段;(电影)镜头
        A scene in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.


        e.g. I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant.
        e.g. ...the opening scene of 'A Christmas Carol'.

    2. (给人以某种印象的)景象,场景,场面
        You refer to a place as a scene when you are describing its appearance and indicating what impression it makes on you.

        e.g. It's a scene of complete devastation...
        e.g. Thick black smoke billowed over the scene...

    3. (通过画面显示的或看到的)事件,场面,情景
        You can describe an event that you see, or that is broadcast or shown in a picture, as a scene of a particular kind.

        e.g. There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom...
        e.g. Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence...

    4. (事情发生的)地点,现场
        The scene of an event is the place where it happened.


        e.g. The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months...
               这一地区 3 个月以来不断发生激战。
        e.g. ...traces left at the scene of a crime...

    5. (活动)领域,圈子;界;坛
        You can refer to an area of activity as a particular type of scene .

        e.g. Sandman is a cult figure on the local music scene.
        e.g. ...when he first burst onto the national political scene at age 28.
               当他在 28 岁刚刚闯入国家政坛时

    6. 风景画
        Paintings and drawings of places are sometimes called scenes .

        e.g. ...James Lynch's country scenes.

    7. (当众)发脾气,吵闹
        If you make a scene, you embarrass people by publicly showing your anger about something.

        e.g. I'm sorry I made such a scene.

    8. 在幕后;秘密地;不公开地
        If something is done behind the scenes, it is done secretly rather than publicly.

        e.g. But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.
        e.g. ...behind-the-scenes discussions.

    9. (电影、戏剧、广播电视节目的制作)在幕后,在后台
        If you refer to what happens behind the scenes, you are referring to what happens during the making of a film, play, or radio or television programme.

        e.g. It's an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.

    10. 换换环境
        If you have a change of scene, you go somewhere different after being in a particular place for a long time.


        e.g. What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?

    11. 介绍背景;事先介绍情况
          If you set the scene for someone, you tell them what they need to know in order to understand what is going to happen or be said next.

          e.g. But first to set the scene: I was having a drink with my ex-boyfriend.

    12. 为…铺平道路;为…做好准备
          Something that sets the scene for a particular event creates the conditions in which the event is likely to happen.

          e.g. Gillespie's goal set the scene for an exciting second half.

    13. 登场/离场;到场/消失;介入/摆脱
          When a person or thing appears on the scene, they come into being or become involved in something. When they disappear from the scene, they are no longer there or are no longer involved.

          e.g. He could react rather jealously when and if another child comes on the scene...
          e.g. Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.

    14. 不喜欢;不合意
          If you say that an activity or place is not your scene, you mean that you do not like it or enjoy it.


          e.g. Lying on the beach all week isn't my scene.

    Take care not to confuse scene and scenery
    注意不要混淆 scene 和 scenery。
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