
  • salt

    英:[sɔ:lt]   美: [sɔlt] 

    salt 基本解释

    salt 同义词

    salt 反义词

    同义词: salty

    salt 相关例句


    1. She employed an irreverent humor to salt her observation.


    1. Adventure is the salt of life to some men.

    2. salt的反义词

    2. His vivid touch added salt to the story.


    3. Adventure is the salt of life to some people.

    salt 网络解释

    1. 盐类:Roufs,M.S.,R.D.」解释为:丙酮酸具化学不稳定性,会造成 食用者感觉到恶心及肠胃不适,因此,厂商利用加入钠、钙、钾或镁(Na、Ca、K、Mg),将其制成盐类(salt)─『丙酮酸盐(pyeuvate)』以稳定之.

    2. 特工绍特:现在全球票房累积超过24亿美元的安吉丽娜即将推出全新动作片<<特工绍 特>>(Salt). 仅次于安吉丽娜.朱莉之后的是即将推出新片<<口是心非>>的朱莉娅.罗伯茨(Julia Roberts),全球票房累积超过45亿美元的她得分9.65.

    3. salt:strategic arms limitation treaty; 战略武器限制公约例如

    4. salt

    4. salt:skin associated lymphoid tissue; 皮肤相关淋巴组织

    5. salt:symmetry air load technique; 对称空气负载技术

    6. salt是什么意思

    6. salt:strategic arms limitation talks; 限制战略武器会谈

    1. 盐;食盐
        Salt is a strong-tasting substance, in the form of white powder or crystals, which is used to improve the flavour of food or to preserve it. Salt occurs naturally in sea water.

        e.g. Season lightly with salt and pepper.
        e.g. ...a pinch of salt.

    2. 给(食物)加盐
        When you salt food, you add salt to it.

        e.g. Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.

    Put a pan of salted water on to boil.
    ...lightly salted butter.
    加了少许盐的黄油 词典解释

    1. 盐;食盐
        Salt is a strong-tasting substance, in the form of white powder or crystals, which is used to improve the flavour of food or to preserve it. Salt occurs naturally in sea water.

        e.g. Season lightly with salt and pepper.
        e.g. ...a pinch of salt.

    2. 给(食物)加盐
        When you salt food, you add salt to it.

        e.g. Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.

    Put a pan of salted water on to boil.
    ...lightly salted butter.
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