
  • recorder

    英:[rɪˈkɔ:də(r)]   美: [rɪˈkɔ:rdə(r)] 

    recorder 基本解释

    recorder 相关例句


    1. He switched off the recorder.

    recorder 网络解释

    1. 录音机:华声报加影消息:2007年度第14届中国汉语水平考试(HSK)定于5月20日(星期日)在马来西亚加影董教总教育中心、民都鲁荣光教学中心及沙巴大学(亚庇总校)三个考点举行. 据马来西亚星洲日报报道,参加HSK(高等)者需自行携带卡带式录音机(Recorder)参与考试,以供口试录音用.

    2. 竖笛:主要乐器如:竖笛(recorder)、肖姆双簧管(shawm)、克鲁姆双簧管(Drumhorn)、横笛、木管号(cornett)、维奥尔琴(Viol),小号(trumpet)和古长号(sackbut)等. 运用最广泛的乐器是琉特琴(lute),它已形成较丰富的演奏技法,采用品位记谱的方法.

    3. 直笛:(一)直笛(Recorder)独奏(含高中音直笛):办理国小组、国中组、高中职组及大(二)长笛(Flute)独奏:办理国中组、高中职组及大专组之A、B组比赛. (三)双簧管(Oboe)独奏:办理国中组、高中职组及大专组之A、B组比赛.

    1. (卡式或磁带)录音机;录像机
        You can refer to a cassette recorder, a tape recorder, or a video recorder as a recorder.

        e.g. Rodney put the recorder on the desk top and pushed the play button.

    2. 直笛;竖笛
        A recorder is a wooden or plastic musical instrument in the shape of a pipe. You play the recorder by blowing into the top of it and covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers.

    3. 刑事法院兼职法官(英格兰和威尔士的法律体制下被任命在刑事法庭兼任法官的律师)
        In the legal system of England and Wales, a recorder is a lawyer who is appointed as a part-time judge in the Crown Court.

    4. 记录装置;记录器
        A recorder is a machine or instrument that keeps a record of something, for example in an experiment or on a vehicle.

        e.g. Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.


    1. (卡式或磁带)录音机;录像机
        You can refer to a cassette recorder, a tape recorder, or a video recorder as a recorder.

        e.g. Rodney put the recorder on the desk top and pushed the play button.

    2. 直笛;竖笛
        A recorder is a wooden or plastic musical instrument in the shape of a pipe. You play the recorder by blowing into the top of it and covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers.

    3. 刑事法院兼职法官(英格兰和威尔士的法律体制下被任命在刑事法庭兼任法官的律师)
        In the legal system of England and Wales, a recorder is a lawyer who is appointed as a part-time judge in the Crown Court.

    4. 记录装置;记录器
        A recorder is a machine or instrument that keeps a record of something, for example in an experiment or on a vehicle.

        e.g. Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.

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