
  • recall

    英:[rɪˈkɔ:l]   美: [rɪˈkɔl] 

    recall 基本解释

    及物动词叫回,召回; 使想起,回想; 取消; 调回工厂

    名词罢免; 召回,唤回; 记忆力,回想; 收回通告

    recall 相关例句


    1. She recalled her promise.

    2. Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today.

    3. recall

    3. The ambassador was recalled.


    1. recall

    1. The recall of the general could mean he had lost the battle.

    2. recall

    2. Do you have any recall of that meeting?

    recall 网络解释

    1. 回收:主机板厂商表示,英特尔在上周给予主机板产业的信件中宣称,由於Grantsdale采用的南桥晶片ICH6出现制造问题,所以将会召回产品,不过英特尔并没有使用回收(Recall)或是交换(Swap)等字眼,而是更温和的轮换(Rotate),希望能将影响降到最低.

    2. 恢复:DFP-212有20个可用的记忆. 4个已在在工厂预设,16个供使用者设定.这台机器有个在模拟(Analog)状态下的直通(bypass)系统,也可以通过随机接口MIDI、USB介面由外部面板控制其双向处理信息. 可恢复(Recall)记忆体 20可恢复(Recall)记忆体 20

    3. recall是什么意思

    3. recall:rcl; 重呼,二次呼叫

    The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kɔːl/. The noun is pronounced /'riːkɔːl/. 动词读作/rɪ'kɔːl/。名词读作/'riːkɔːl/。 词典解释

    The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kɔːl/. The noun is pronounced /'riːkɔːl/. 动词读作/rɪ'kɔːl/。名词读作/'riːkɔːl/。
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