
  • push

    英:[pʊʃ]   美: [pʊʃ] 

    push 基本解释

    push 同义词



    push 反义词


    push 相关词组

    1. push on : 推进;

    2. push around : 摆布;

    3. push in : 粗鲁地打断;

    4. get the push : 被解雇;

    5. push off : 离开;

    6. at a push : 紧急时;

    7. push up : 把...向上推;

    8. be in the push : 熟悉情况;

    9. push back : 向后推, 吞下;

    10. push aside : 把...向旁边推;

    11. push oneself forward : 出风头;

    同义词: driveencourageforcepressshovespurthrusturge

    push 相关例句


    1. Alexander pushed his conquests still farther east.

    2. His friends and relatives are all pushing him to enter politics.

    3. They pushed the door open.


    1. He opened the door with one push.

    push 网络解释

    1. push在线翻译

    1. 推拉:CATransition. CATransition规定了影响整个层内容的转换效果. 在动画期间,它使层产生渐变(fade),推拉(push)以及揭示(reveal)的动画效果. 这些常用的转换效果可以通过核心绘图过滤器进行扩展.

    2. push的翻译

    2. push:people united to serve humanity; 和服务人群联盟

    1. 推;搡;推开
        When you push something, you use force to make it move away from you or away from its previous position.

        e.g. The woman pushed back her chair and stood up...
        e.g. They pushed him into the car.

    2. 用力挤过
        If you push through things that are blocking your way or push your way through them, you use force in order to move past them.

        e.g. I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator...
        e.g. Dix pushed forward carrying a glass...

    3. (部队)开进,挺进
        If an army pushes into a country or area that it is attacking or invading, it moves further into it.

        e.g. One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield...
        e.g. The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas.

    4. 推动(增长或降低)
        To push a value or amount up or down means to cause it to increase or decrease.

        e.g. Any shortage could push up grain prices...
        e.g. The government had done everything it could to push down inflation...

    5. 推行;推进;使发展
        If someone or something pushes an idea or project in a particular direction, they cause it to develop or progress in a particular way.

        e.g. We are continuing to push the business forward...
        e.g. The government seemed intent on pushing local and central government in opposite directions.

    6. 鼓励;督促;逼迫
        If you push someone to do something or push them into doing it, you encourage or force them to do it.

        e.g. She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study...
        e.g. James did not push her into stealing the money...

    7. 努力争取;力劝
        If you push for something, you try very hard to achieve it or to persuade someone to do it.


        e.g. Britain's health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising...
        e.g. Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established.

    8. 力劝接受;极力宣传;推销
        If someone pushes an idea, a point, or a product, they try in a forceful way to convince people to accept it or buy it.


        e.g. Ministers will push the case for opening the plant...
        e.g. She knew enough about publishing to know that they could push a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops.

    9. 贩卖(毒品)
        When someone pushes drugs, they sell them illegally.

        e.g. She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs.

    10. (行为或声明)冒险,走极端
        If you say that someone is pushing it, you mean that their actions or claims are rather excessive or risky.

        e.g. I think that he was pushing it a bit when he said it was the best stadium in the world.

    11. see also: pushed;pushing

    12. 被解雇;断绝关系
          If you get the push or are given the push, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with.


          e.g. Two cabinet ministers also got the push.

    13. to push the boat out -> see boat
          to push your luck -> see luck
          if push comes to shove -> see shove

    相关词组:push aheadpush aroundpush asidepush forwardpush inpush offpush onpush overpush through


    1. 推;搡;推开
        When you push something, you use force to make it move away from you or away from its previous position.

        e.g. The woman pushed back her chair and stood up...
        e.g. They pushed him into the car.

    2. 用力挤过
        If you push through things that are blocking your way or push your way through them, you use force in order to move past them.

        e.g. I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator...
        e.g. Dix pushed forward carrying a glass...

    3. (部队)开进,挺进
        If an army pushes into a country or area that it is attacking or invading, it moves further into it.

        e.g. One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield...
        e.g. The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas.

    4. 推动(增长或降低)
        To push a value or amount up or down means to cause it to increase or decrease.

        e.g. Any shortage could push up grain prices...
        e.g. The government had done everything it could to push down inflation...

    5. 推行;推进;使发展
        If someone or something pushes an idea or project in a particular direction, they cause it to develop or progress in a particular way.

        e.g. We are continuing to push the business forward...
        e.g. The government seemed intent on pushing local and central government in opposite directions.

    6. 鼓励;督促;逼迫
        If you push someone to do something or push them into doing it, you encourage or force them to do it.

        e.g. She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study...
        e.g. James did not push her into stealing the money...

    7. 努力争取;力劝
        If you push for something, you try very hard to achieve it or to persuade someone to do it.


        e.g. Britain's health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising...
        e.g. Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established.

    8. 力劝接受;极力宣传;推销
        If someone pushes an idea, a point, or a product, they try in a forceful way to convince people to accept it or buy it.


        e.g. Ministers will push the case for opening the plant...
        e.g. She knew enough about publishing to know that they could push a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops.

    9. 贩卖(毒品)
        When someone pushes drugs, they sell them illegally.

        e.g. She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs.

    10. (行为或声明)冒险,走极端
        If you say that someone is pushing it, you mean that their actions or claims are rather excessive or risky.

        e.g. I think that he was pushing it a bit when he said it was the best stadium in the world.

    11. see also: pushed;pushing

    12. 被解雇;断绝关系
          If you get the push or are given the push, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with.


          e.g. Two cabinet ministers also got the push.

    13. to push the boat out -> see boat
          to push your luck -> see luck
          if push comes to shove -> see shove

    相关词组:push aheadpush aroundpush asidepush forwardpush inpush offpush onpush overpush through

    push 情景对话


    A:I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.

    B:well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.

    A:Let's meet each other half way.

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