
  • prompt

    英:[prɒmpt]   美: [prɑ:mpt] 

    prompt 基本解释

    形容词迅速的; 敏捷的; 立刻的; 准时的

    动词提示; 促使; 导致; 鼓励

    名词提示; 提示符; 激励; 提词


    prompt 同义词



    prompt 反义词


    同义词: coachhintimmediateinstantpunctualquickreadyremindsuggest

    prompt 相关例句


    1. The drowning child was saved by Dick's prompt action.


    1. prompt是什么意思

    1. She needed to be prompted three times.

    2. What prompted you to do such a thing?


    1. The play was so regularly performed that there was no need of written prompts.

    prompt 网络解释

    1. 提示:4.提示(prompt)和提示渐隐(fade),根据儿童的发展情况给予不同程度的提示或帮助,随着所学内容的熟练又逐渐减少提示和帮助;间歇(intertrial interval),在两个分解任务训练之间需要短暂的休息.

    2. prompt是什么意思

    2. 提示符号:假如你刚完成登录还没输入任何按键之前,你所看到的游标所在位置的同一行的左边部份, 我们称之为*提示符号*(prompt). 提示符号的格式或因不同系统版本而各有不同,在 Linux 上,只需留意最接近游标的一个可见 的提示符号,

    3. prompt:program monitoring and planning techniques; 程式监视与计划技术

    1. 促使;推动;引起
        To prompt someone to do something means to make them decide to do it.

        e.g. Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars...
        e.g. The need for villagers to control their own destinies has prompted a new plan.

    2. 鼓励,提示(说话者);给(演员)提词
        If you prompt someone when they stop speaking, you encourage or help them to continue. If you prompt an actor, you tell them what their next line is when they have forgotten what comes next.

        e.g. 'Go on,' the therapist prompted him...
        e.g. How exactly did he prompt her, Mr Markham?

    3. 迅速的;即刻的;立即的;及时的
        A prompt action is done without any delay.


        e.g. It is not too late, but prompt action is needed.
        e.g. ...an inflammation of the eyeball which needs prompt treatment.

    4. 敏捷的;迅速的;及时的
        If you are prompt to do something, you do it without delay or you are not late.

        e.g. You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions...
        e.g. We didn't worry because they were always so prompt with their rental payment.


    1. 促使;推动;引起
        To prompt someone to do something means to make them decide to do it.

        e.g. Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars...
        e.g. The need for villagers to control their own destinies has prompted a new plan.

    2. 鼓励,提示(说话者);给(演员)提词
        If you prompt someone when they stop speaking, you encourage or help them to continue. If you prompt an actor, you tell them what their next line is when they have forgotten what comes next.

        e.g. 'Go on,' the therapist prompted him...
        e.g. How exactly did he prompt her, Mr Markham?

    3. 迅速的;即刻的;立即的;及时的
        A prompt action is done without any delay.


        e.g. It is not too late, but prompt action is needed.
        e.g. ...an inflammation of the eyeball which needs prompt treatment.

    4. 敏捷的;迅速的;及时的
        If you are prompt to do something, you do it without delay or you are not late.

        e.g. You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions...
        e.g. We didn't worry because they were always so prompt with their rental payment.

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