
  • prime

    英:[praɪm]   美: [praɪm] 

    prime 基本解释

    形容词最好的; 首要的; 最初的; 基本的

    名词精华; 初期; 全盛时期; 青年

    及物动词使准备好; 填装; 事先指导


    不及物动词(为枪炮)装火药; 涂底漆; 修剪树枝; 注水入泵引起

    prime 相关例句


    1. He died in the prime of his life.

    prime 网络解释

    1. 春心荡漾:印度制作的鬼片究竟威力如何?有机会看看便知. <<焦点娱乐>>取材于去年11月8号发行的法国二区可变形宽屏版,自制优质中文字幕,简九独家版本. FA0049 <<印度幽灵/公寓鬼影>>(Fantomes BHOOT)FA0052 <<春心荡漾>>(Prime)

    2. prime的解释

    2. 主要:根据中华信评研究报告指出,美国按借款人信用品质好坏,一般将贷款区分为主要(prime)与次级(subprime),若再进一步细分,则可分为一胎(first lien)房贷、二胎(second lien)房贷等数种.

    3. 素数:通过用多种方法解决一个问题,学会比较不同策略的方法,以及如何选取最佳的策略. 判断一个策略是否为算法,要看这个策略是否满足 1)定义明确,无二义性 2)有效性,即它的步骤都是可行的 3)有限性 X.1测试素数 素数(prime)问题是


    4. 质数:p是一个质数(prime)当且仅当能够整除p的正整数只有1和p. 另:每一个大于1的整数不是质数(prime)就是合数(composite)本篇中我们会了解一下高斯(Gauss)的同余定理以及其用法.

    5. prime:programmed independence/modularity/economy; 程序的独立性、模块性和经济性

    6. prime是什么意思

    6. prime:programmed instruction for management education; 管理教育的程序教学

    1. 主要的;首要的;最为重要的
        You use prime to describe something that is most important in a situation.

        e.g. Political stability, meanwhile, will be a prime concern...
        e.g. It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack...

    2. 优质的;一流的;上等的;最好的
        You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality.

        e.g. It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange.

    3. 最典型的;最有代表性的
        You use prime to describe an example of a particular kind of thing that is absolutely typical.

        e.g. The prime example is Macy's, once the undisputed king of California retailers.

    4. 全盛时期;最活跃时期;最成功时期
        If someone or something is in their prime, they are at the stage in their existence when they are at their strongest, most active, or most successful.


        e.g. Maybe I'm just coming into my prime now...
        e.g. She was in her intellectual prime...

    5. 事先指点;使做好准备
        If you prime someone to do something, you prepare them to do it, for example by giving them information about it beforehand.

        e.g. Claire wished she'd primed Sarah beforehand...
        e.g. Arnold primed her for her duties...

    6. 把(炸弹、枪支)装好
        If someone primes a bomb or a gun, they prepare it so that it is ready to explode or fire.


        e.g. He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time...
        e.g. Tom keeps a primed 10-foot shotgun in his office.

    7. to prime the pump -> see pump


    1. 主要的;首要的;最为重要的
        You use prime to describe something that is most important in a situation.

        e.g. Political stability, meanwhile, will be a prime concern...
        e.g. It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack...

    2. 优质的;一流的;上等的;最好的
        You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality.

        e.g. It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange.

    3. 最典型的;最有代表性的
        You use prime to describe an example of a particular kind of thing that is absolutely typical.

        e.g. The prime example is Macy's, once the undisputed king of California retailers.

    4. 全盛时期;最活跃时期;最成功时期
        If someone or something is in their prime, they are at the stage in their existence when they are at their strongest, most active, or most successful.


        e.g. Maybe I'm just coming into my prime now...
        e.g. She was in her intellectual prime...

    5. 事先指点;使做好准备
        If you prime someone to do something, you prepare them to do it, for example by giving them information about it beforehand.

        e.g. Claire wished she'd primed Sarah beforehand...
        e.g. Arnold primed her for her duties...

    6. 把(炸弹、枪支)装好
        If someone primes a bomb or a gun, they prepare it so that it is ready to explode or fire.


        e.g. He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time...
        e.g. Tom keeps a primed 10-foot shotgun in his office.

    7. to prime the pump -> see pump

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