
  • Portuguese

    英:[ˌpɔ:tʃuˈgi:z]   美: [ˌpɔ:rtʃuˈgi:z] 

    Portuguese 基本解释

    名词葡萄牙语; 葡萄牙人

    形容词葡萄牙的; 葡萄牙语的; 葡萄牙人的

    Portuguese 网络解释

    1. 葡萄牙语:語言文字--葡萄牙語、西班牙語、英語、法語,因為當地人很多只會說葡萄牙語(Portuguese),不過英語是在學校教授的主要語言. 此外,西班牙語(Spanish)也較為常用(不過要說得慢些喲).


    2. 葡萄牙人:公元1498年 葡萄牙人(Portuguese)来到卡利卡特(Calicut),成为第一批来到印度次大陆的欧洲人. 公元1526年 巴布尔(Babur)建立了莫卧儿王朝,并打算统一印度. 公元1538年 锡克教的创始人古鲁那纳克(Guru Nanak)逝世之年.

    3. 葡萄牙文:- Polish 波蘭文 | - Portuguese 葡萄牙文 | - Romanian 羅馬尼亞語

    1. 葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙文化的
        Something that is Portuguese belongs or relates to Portugal, or its people, language, or culture.

        e.g. ...a former Portuguese colony.
        e.g. ...a Portuguese woman.

    2. 葡萄牙人
        The Portuguese are the people of Portugal.

        e.g. ...a former palace built by the Portuguese.

    3. 葡萄牙语
        Portuguese is the language spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique.

        e.g. If you are intent on learning to speak Portuguese, there is no better place.
        e.g. ...the leading news agency in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world.


    1. 葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙文化的
        Something that is Portuguese belongs or relates to Portugal, or its people, language, or culture.

        e.g. ...a former Portuguese colony.
        e.g. ...a Portuguese woman.

    2. 葡萄牙人
        The Portuguese are the people of Portugal.

        e.g. ...a former palace built by the Portuguese.

    3. 葡萄牙语
        Portuguese is the language spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique.

        e.g. If you are intent on learning to speak Portuguese, there is no better place.
        e.g. ...the leading news agency in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world.

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