
  • outlet

    英:[ˈaʊtlet]   美: [ˈaʊtˌlɛt, -lɪt] 

    outlet 基本解释

    outlet 反义词

    同义词: exitopeningrelease

    outlet 相关例句


    1. There is a huge sales outlet for pocket computers.


    2. The shoe manufacturer had several outlets.

    3. These boys want an outlet for their energy.

    4. Clean the sink outlet.

    outlet 网络解释

    1. 出口:入口(inlet)、出口(outlet)在喷嘴内部360度旋转,使喷嘴维持安全状态,因此防止hose扭曲或磨损,方便用户. 而且swibell上下两部分各旋转360度、倾斜45度,喷嘴可自由旋转,使用方便.

    2. 插座:都说是骡子是马拉出来溜溜,人家一眼就看出来了,然后她考我单词,插座(OUTLET)衣架(HANGER)拖鞋(SLIPPER)接机(AIRPORT RECEPTION)外币兑换?我好像说了4,5个SORRY,我几乎崩溃啊!她告诉我这都是一些基本的英语单词,还说了很多,

    3. 排气口:前半部(Front Section)方面,保险杆开口部和引擎盖采用排气口(Outlet)形状,可藉由行车时的负压,排放引擎室的热气. 顺带一提,Cd值为0.30,同时实现了零扬力(Zero Lift).

    4. outlet

    4. 廉价商店:大洋网讯 随着经济危机的加深,人们购买力下降,阿根廷廉价商店(outlet)大行其道,从服装到食品,到处都可以看到廉价商店的招牌. 今天,在布市又有一家新的廉价商店开张,不过这不是销售生活必需品的商店,而是一家美术作品廉价店.

    1. 经销店;专营店
        An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer.

        e.g. ...the largest retail outlet in the city.

    2. 廉价商品经销店;折扣店
        An outlet or an outlet store is a place which sells slightly damaged or outdated goods from a particular manufacturer, or goods that it made in greater quantities than needed.

        e.g. ...the factory outlet store in Belmont.

    3. (情感的)发泄途径;(思想的)表达方式
        If someone has an outlet for their feelings or ideas, they have a means of expressing and releasing them.

        e.g. Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work.

    4. 出口;排放管
        An outlet is a hole or pipe through which liquid or air can flow away.

        e.g. ...a warm air outlet.
        e.g. ...an underwater outlet pipe discharging waste into the sea.

    5. (通常指墙上的)电源插座
        An outlet is a place, usually in a wall, where you can connect electrical devices to the electricity supply.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 socket 词典解释

    1. 经销店;专营店
        An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer.

        e.g. ...the largest retail outlet in the city.

    2. 廉价商品经销店;折扣店
        An outlet or an outlet store is a place which sells slightly damaged or outdated goods from a particular manufacturer, or goods that it made in greater quantities than needed.

        e.g. ...the factory outlet store in Belmont.

    3. (情感的)发泄途径;(思想的)表达方式
        If someone has an outlet for their feelings or ideas, they have a means of expressing and releasing them.

        e.g. Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work.

    4. 出口;排放管
        An outlet is a hole or pipe through which liquid or air can flow away.

        e.g. ...a warm air outlet.
        e.g. ...an underwater outlet pipe discharging waste into the sea.

    5. (通常指墙上的)电源插座
        An outlet is a place, usually in a wall, where you can connect electrical devices to the electricity supply.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 socket
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