
  • other

    英:[ˈʌðə(r)]   美: [ˈʌðər] 

    other 基本解释

    1. other than : 不同于, 除了;

    2. none other than : 不是别人而正是..., 不是他物而正是...;

    3. quite other : 完全不同的;

    4. each other : 彼此, 互相;

    5. one after the other : 相继地;

    other 相关例句


    1. I can't do other than to go.

    1. There's nobody here other than me.


    1. Some boys are reading; others are listening to the radio.

    2. Hold it in this hand, not the other.

    other 网络解释

    1. 其它的:从其它的(Other) 区域选择板子边框(Board Outline),一个用黑颜色填充 的方框出现下一个板子边框. 3. 选择预览(Preview)按钮,预览你所选择的项目,这些将是光绘时实际的 内容. 4. 从预览窗口的缩放(Zoom)区域选择板子(Board)按钮,

    2. 其他的:但是,如果骚乱和私刑继续,其他的(other)会被伤害的无辜者怎么办呢?那些被暴徒殴打和折磨的人所要承受的痛苦怎么办呢?如果这个人不撒谎,那些将会发生的死亡又怎么办呢?孩子将失去他们的父母,丈夫或妻子如果我们询问,

    When other follows the determiner an, it is written as one word.
    当 other 跟在限定词 an 之后时,两词合写作一个单词。See见 another. 词典解释

    When other follows the determiner an, it is written as one word.
    当 other 跟在限定词 an 之后时,两词合写作一个单词。See见 another.

    other 情景对话


    A:Any other questions?

    B:When is (check-out time/ breakfast finished/ the karaoke room open)?

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