
  • often

    英:[ˈɒfn]   美: [ˈɔ:fn] 

    often 基本解释

    1. as often as : 每当;

    2. every so often : 不时;

    3. often and often : 经常;

    同义词: repeatedly

    often 相关例句


    1. often的翻译

    1. Children often dislike homework.

    2. He is often late for class.

    3. often

    3. Man is often taller than woman.

    4. How often does the train run?

    5. often的近义词

    5. How often do you go there?

    often 网络解释

    1. 常常:这块石头躺在厨房边上,女佣人常常(often)把洗过的炊具放在上面晾晒,孩子们也常在上面玩耍. 其实,那是一个古老的墓碑. 于是,一家人又谈论起别的事情来. 只有这家最小的一个孩子--他长着一双炯炯有神但有些严肃的大眼睛--爬到了窗帘后面的一把椅子(chair)上,

    2. often:oft; 常常,再三

    Often is usually used before the verb, but it may be used after the verb when it has a word like ‘less’ or ‘more’ before it, or when the clause is negative.
    often通常用于动词前,但若前面有less,more等词,或从句为否定形式时,可置于动词之后。 词典解释

    Often is usually used before the verb, but it may be used after the verb when it has a word like ‘less’ or ‘more’ before it, or when the clause is negative.

    often 情景对话


    A:Where did you go yesterday?


    B:I went to play tennis in the public park.


    A:How often do you play tennis?

    B:Twice a week. How about you?

    A:I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.

    B:But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together.

    A:I usually play with my schoolmates.

    B:Do you like watching football matches?


    A:Yes, I went to the Tian He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday.

    B:Oh, I watched it on television. It was an exciting match.

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