
  • obvious

    英:[ˈɒbviəs]   美: [ˈɑ:bviəs] 

    obvious 基本解释


    同义词: apparentcleardistinctevidentexplicitmanifestplain

    obvious 相关例句


    1. It was quite obvious that she was not going home.

    2. obvious

    2. Her displeasure was obvious.

    3. It is obvious that she is very clever.

    obvious 网络解释

    1. obvious

    1. 明显的:选举法官看来是一种明智的(sensible)、明显的(obvious)使法官对公众负责的方式. 令人难以置信的是,证据表明,选举的法官与任命的法官的做法(behave)并没有差别. 基本情况仍旧是,法官选举不像选举州长或国会议员那么具有党派性,

    2. obvious什么意思

    2. 明显:然而,EPO对创造性步骤的审查还是相当严格的,一项计算机软件相关的发明只有解决了技术问题,具有明显(obvious)的技术特征,产生了技术贡献(technical contribution),该申请才能被授予专利.

    3. 显明的:他认为公理是显明的(obvious),每个人都能接受而不必证明. 要作推理,除了公理之外,还需要一些定义(definitions)﹑假设(hypothesis)以及一般公理(postulates,适用於所有科学,例如等量加法公理).

    4. 明:德沃金的原则理论是建立在他关于显明(obvious)的法律与隐含的法律(unobvious)二分框架上. 显明的法律是指可以通过经验确定的法律,如制定法,司法判决甚至包括一个国家的法律历史等. 它们是实证的、具有明确的表述形式,

    1. 明显的;显然的;无疑的
        If something is obvious, it is easy to see or understand.

        e.g. ...the need to rectify what is an obvious injustice...
        e.g. Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.

    2. 不必要的;无新意的;缺乏想象力的
        If you describe something that someone says as obvious, you are being critical of it because you think it is unnecessary or shows lack of imagination.

        e.g. There are some very obvious phrases that we all know or certainly should know better than to use.

    Francis smiled agreement, irritated by the obviousness of his answer.
    弗朗西斯笑了笑以示赞同,对他那了无新意的回答有些恼火。 词典解释

    1. 明显的;显然的;无疑的
        If something is obvious, it is easy to see or understand.

        e.g. ...the need to rectify what is an obvious injustice...
        e.g. Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.

    2. 不必要的;无新意的;缺乏想象力的
        If you describe something that someone says as obvious, you are being critical of it because you think it is unnecessary or shows lack of imagination.

        e.g. There are some very obvious phrases that we all know or certainly should know better than to use.

    Francis smiled agreement, irritated by the obviousness of his answer.
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