
  • move

    英:[mu:v]   美: [muv] 

    move 基本解释

    1. get a move on : 赶快;

    2. move over : 移动一下;

    3. move out : 搬出, 出发;

    4. move on : 继续前进;

    5. move in : 生活于, 迁入;

    6. on the move : 在活动中, 在发展, 活跃;

    7. move off : 离开, 死, 畅销;

    8. move along : 继续向前或后移动, 往里走;

    9. move in on : 潜近..., 企图夺取(某物), 企图从(某人)处夺取东西;

    10. move up : 向前移动, 上升;

    11. move upon : 进逼;

    12. make a move : 走一步, 朝...走去, 开始行动;

    13. move about : 走来走去, 经常搬家;

    同义词: affectarousechangeconvincegoinduceinfluencemotionmotivatemovementpersuadepromptstimulatestirsway

    move 相关例句



    1. What moved you to do this?

    2. The foreign tourists were moved with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall.

    3. move的近义词

    3. The wind was moving the branches.


    1. The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis.


    1. With one move he was by her side.

    move 网络解释

    1. move的意思

    1. 移动 移动:你跟你的心仪对象可能光临(或换场)的地点有三种: 邂逅地点→建立舒适感地点→性爱地点 A ○ 地点变换 游戏中常发生的变换地点(或换场)有三种方式:就是移动 移动(move) 护送(bounce)与时 ,护送时 移动 护送 间桥梁(time bridge) .在此仅简要叙述,

    2. 走:不过,游戏有一些烦人的缺点,就是在行走(Move)时,要点击左下方的Move才能,不像我们现在的即时战略游戏一样点右键(或左键)即走,其次,就是兽族的实力太弱,而人类的实力太强.

    3. move:mov; 传送指令

    4. move:management of value engineering; 价值工程管理

    1. (使)移动;(使)活动
        When you move something or when it moves, its position changes and it does not remain still.

        e.g. She moved the sheaf of papers into position...
        e.g. You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally...

    2. 改变姿势;移动位置
        When you move, you change your position or go to a different place.

        e.g. She waited for him to get up, but he didn't move...
        e.g. There was so much furniture you could hardly move without bumping into something...

    3. 采取行动;开始行动
        If you move, you act or you begin to do something.


        e.g. Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.

    4. 步骤;措施
        A move is an action that you take in order to achieve something.

        e.g. The one point cut in interest rates was a wise move...
        e.g. It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over...

    5. 搬家;迁移
        If a person or company moves, they leave the building where they have been living or working, and they go to live or work in a different place, taking their possessions with them.

        e.g. My family home is in York-shire and they don't want to move...
        e.g. She had often considered moving to London...

    6. 调动;派遣
        If people in authority move someone, they make that person go from one place or job to another one.


        e.g. His superiors moved him to another parish...
        e.g. Ms Clark is still in position and there are no plans to move her...

    7. 变换职业;改变兴趣
        If you move from one job or interest to another, you change to it.

        e.g. He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history...
        e.g. In the early days Christina moved jobs to get experience.

    8. 改变(谈话内容);转到(新的话题)
        If you move to a new topic in a conversation, you start talking about something different.

        e.g. Let's move to another subject, Dan.

    9. 改变(…的日期)
        If you move an event or the date of an event, you change the time at which it happens.

        e.g. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd...
        e.g. The band have moved forward their Leeds date to October 27.

    10. 变得;转而
        If you move towards a particular state, activity, or opinion, you start to be in that state, do that activity, or have that opinion.

        e.g. The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democrat Party...
        e.g. It is already possible to start moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons...

    11. 发展;前进;进展
          If a situation or process is moving, it is developing or progressing, rather than staying still.

          e.g. Events are moving fast...
          e.g. Someone has got to get things moving.

    12. 动摇;改变…的主意
          If you say that you will not be moved, you mean that you have come to a decision and nothing will change your mind.

          e.g. Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn't be moved.

    13. 促使;驱使
          If something moves you to do something, it influences you and causes you to do it.


          e.g. It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously...
          e.g. The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.

    14. 感动;打动
          If something moves you, it has an effect on your emotions and causes you to feel sadness or sympathy for another person.

          e.g. These stories surprised and moved me...
          e.g. His prayer moved me to tears.

    Those who listened to him were deeply moved.
    听众都被他深深打动了。 词典解释

    1. (使)移动;(使)活动
        When you move something or when it moves, its position changes and it does not remain still.

        e.g. She moved the sheaf of papers into position...
        e.g. You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally...

    2. 改变姿势;移动位置
        When you move, you change your position or go to a different place.

        e.g. She waited for him to get up, but he didn't move...
        e.g. There was so much furniture you could hardly move without bumping into something...

    3. 采取行动;开始行动
        If you move, you act or you begin to do something.


        e.g. Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.

    4. 步骤;措施
        A move is an action that you take in order to achieve something.

        e.g. The one point cut in interest rates was a wise move...
        e.g. It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over...

    5. 搬家;迁移
        If a person or company moves, they leave the building where they have been living or working, and they go to live or work in a different place, taking their possessions with them.

        e.g. My family home is in York-shire and they don't want to move...
        e.g. She had often considered moving to London...

    6. 调动;派遣
        If people in authority move someone, they make that person go from one place or job to another one.


        e.g. His superiors moved him to another parish...
        e.g. Ms Clark is still in position and there are no plans to move her...

    7. 变换职业;改变兴趣
        If you move from one job or interest to another, you change to it.

        e.g. He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history...
        e.g. In the early days Christina moved jobs to get experience.

    8. 改变(谈话内容);转到(新的话题)
        If you move to a new topic in a conversation, you start talking about something different.

        e.g. Let's move to another subject, Dan.

    9. 改变(…的日期)
        If you move an event or the date of an event, you change the time at which it happens.

        e.g. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd...
        e.g. The band have moved forward their Leeds date to October 27.

    10. 变得;转而
        If you move towards a particular state, activity, or opinion, you start to be in that state, do that activity, or have that opinion.

        e.g. The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democrat Party...
        e.g. It is already possible to start moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons...

    11. 发展;前进;进展
          If a situation or process is moving, it is developing or progressing, rather than staying still.

          e.g. Events are moving fast...
          e.g. Someone has got to get things moving.

    12. 动摇;改变…的主意
          If you say that you will not be moved, you mean that you have come to a decision and nothing will change your mind.

          e.g. Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn't be moved.

    13. 促使;驱使
          If something moves you to do something, it influences you and causes you to do it.


          e.g. It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously...
          e.g. The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.

    14. 感动;打动
          If something moves you, it has an effect on your emotions and causes you to feel sadness or sympathy for another person.

          e.g. These stories surprised and moved me...
          e.g. His prayer moved me to tears.

    Those who listened to him were deeply moved.

    move 情景对话


    A:You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ this weekend/ whenever you want).


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