
  • more

    英:[mɔ:(r)]   美: [mɔr, mor] 

    more 基本解释

    more 相关词组

    1. no more : 不再;

    2. more or less : 或多或少;

    同义词: anotherextrafartherfurther

    more 相关例句


    1. He has more chance than ever.


    1. His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.

    2. You should sleep more than you do.

    1. more的意思

    1. He can't afford a new car, and no more can I.

    more 网络解释

    1. 更多的:例如:history(历史):他的(his)故事(story)就是历史,虽然缺了一位美女( s ). evening(傍晚): 鹰(ing)在傍晚咬掉了七(seven)的头. morning(早上):更多的(more)早晨没有鹅(e)叫,是宁(ning)静的. survey(调查):苏(su)非常(very)喜欢调查.

    2. 莫尔:到现场画设计图会更有灵感、更有趣、更直接,也更有效率. 这种尝试让我得到了极大的乐趣和满足感. 我是个闲不住的人,希望有更多的人能得到我的帮助. 我和我的同伴们创立了莫尔(more)设计公司,将来就会向业主们提供设计服务.

    3. more:and more; 越来越

    More is often considered to be the comparative form of much and many.
    more 常被看作是 much 和 many 的比较级。 词典解释

    More is often considered to be the comparative form of much and many.
    more 常被看作是 much 和 many 的比较级。

    more 情景对话


    A:There’s some more out at my (parents’/ parents’ house/ my family’s home).

    B:That’s good.

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