
  • medium

    英:[ˈmi:diəm]   美: [ˈmidiəm] 

    medium 基本解释


    形容词中等的,中级的; 普通的; 平均的; 半生熟的

    名词媒介物,媒质; 中间,中庸,[生]培养基,培养液,颜料溶解液,[数]中数,平均,[逻]中名辞; 手段,方法; 中间物

    medium 同义词



    medium 反义词


    同义词: agentaveragefairimplementinstrumentmeanmiddletool

    medium 相关例句


    1. The man is of medium height.


    1. medium的反义词

    1. A fish in water is in its natural medium.

    2. Commercial television is a medium for advertising.

    3. Television can be an excellent medium for education.

    4. medium的意思

    4. He writes stories, but the theatre is his favourite medium.

    medium 网络解释

    1. (适中):色彩光波将按波频幅度,被不同深度层面的硅感测体吸纳,形成每一像素均有效地实现真色重现,从而提供清晣解像度,相比其他传统影像感测系统更形优越. Foveon X3? 色彩影像感测芯片(CMOS)高质(High)、 适中(Medium)、普通(Low)

    The plural of the noun can be either mediums or media for meanings 4 and 5. The form mediums is the plural for meaning 6. 义项4和义项5的复数形式为 mediums 或 media。义项6的复数形式是 mediums。 词典解释

    The plural of the noun can be either mediums or media for meanings 4 and 5. The form mediums is the plural for meaning 6. 义项4和义项5的复数形式为 mediums 或 media。义项6的复数形式是 mediums。

    medium 情景对话



    A:May I take your order now?

    B:Yes, I think we’re ready to order. Elizabeth, what would you like to have?

    C:I haven’t made up my mind yet. You order first, Donald.


    B:All right. I’ll start with chicken soup. Then I want a steak, medium rare. I’ll have a baked potato, green beans and an egg salad. I’ll order dessert later.

    A:Yes, sir. And you, miss? What would you like to have?

    C:I can’t decide. I don’t see anything I really like.


    A:There are over thirty dishes to select from, miss.

    B:There ought to be something you like, Elizabeth.


    C:Well, I guess so. But I only see food that I don’t like. I don’t care for chicken and I can’t stand fish. Do you have any oysters?

    A:No, miss. I’m afraid not. How about some other seafood?

    C:Oysters are the only seafood I like. I dislike the rest.

    B:I wish I could think of something for you.

    A:May I suggest cream of tomato soup, steak with mushroom gravy, asparagus, and buttered cauliflower. For dessert—strawberry pie with ice cream?


    C:No, that isn’t my ideal of a good meal. I’ll have a hamburger. That’s my favorite dish. I have it every day.

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