
  • lunch

    英:[lʌntʃ]   美: [lʌntʃ] 

    lunch 基本解释


    lunch 相关例句


    1. He lunched us at the hotel.


    1. We lunched in a Chinese restaurant.

    2. He lunched me at his home.

    3. We lunched in a fashionable restaurant.

    lunch 网络解释

    1. 午餐:美国的机关、学校、公司上班时间很紧张,一般都是上午9时到下午5时,中午不休息,也不供应工作餐,午餐(LUNCH)只给一刻钟或半小时的吃饭时间,美国的职员和中国留学生,午餐食品都是各自从家里带来的三明治(SANDWICH),也叫夹心面包,

    2. 中餐:纽约餐馆里有个自创的词,叫:Brunch,是早餐(Breakfast)和中餐(Lunch)的合称.专门为那些在周末晚睡晚起的纽约客准备的.

    3. 餐:地的made in taiwan 老板人很好~她们好像一天只卖一餐(Lunch)在hamilton 的朋友可以去尝尝!!她们好像一天只卖一餐(Lunch)在hamilton 的朋友可以去尝尝!!

    1. 午餐;午饭
        Lunch is the meal that you have in the middle of the day.

        e.g. Shall we meet somewhere for lunch?...
        e.g. He did not enjoy business lunches...

    2. (尤指在餐馆)用午餐,吃午饭
        When you lunch, you have lunch, especially at a restaurant.

        e.g. Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle...
        e.g. Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.

    3. 天下没有免费的午餐
        If you say there's no such thing as a free lunch, you are saying that most things that are worth having need to be paid for or worked for, and that you cannot expect to get things for nothing.

        e.g. The book includes 25 Lessons for Life: Lesson 1: There is no free lunch. Don't feel entitled to anything you don't sweat and struggle for...
        e.g. But, even in Hollywood, there is no such thing as a free lunch.


    1. 午餐;午饭
        Lunch is the meal that you have in the middle of the day.

        e.g. Shall we meet somewhere for lunch?...
        e.g. He did not enjoy business lunches...

    2. (尤指在餐馆)用午餐,吃午饭
        When you lunch, you have lunch, especially at a restaurant.

        e.g. Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle...
        e.g. Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.

    3. 天下没有免费的午餐
        If you say there's no such thing as a free lunch, you are saying that most things that are worth having need to be paid for or worked for, and that you cannot expect to get things for nothing.

        e.g. The book includes 25 Lessons for Life: Lesson 1: There is no free lunch. Don't feel entitled to anything you don't sweat and struggle for...
        e.g. But, even in Hollywood, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    lunch 情景对话


    A:Do you have some time tomorrow?

    B:Yes, I do.

    A:How about having lunch with me?

    B:Good idea.

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