
  • luck

    英:[lʌk]   美: [lʌk] 

    luck 基本解释

    1. worse luck : 不幸;

    2. be down on one's luck : 倒霉;

    3. as luck would have it : 碰巧;

    4. luck up : 走运, 交好运;

    5. for luck : 为了表示吉利;

    6. play big luck : 走运;


    luck 相关例句


    1. Don't expect to luck through without an effort.


    1. It's a matter of luck whether we are successful.

    2. Good luck to you!

    3. I was luck enough to catch the last bus.

    4. It was good luck that I met you here; I did not expect to see you.

    luck 网络解释

    1. 卢茨克:在赖歇瑙第六集团军强渡布格河之后,克莱斯特装甲部队就穿过缺口,向卢茨克(Luck)与布罗迪(Brody)长驱直入. 我不同意陆军在8月18日所提出的东线作战建议. 在冬天来临前,头等重要大事不是攻克莫斯科,而是占领克里木半岛,

    1. 好运;幸运;侥幸
        Luck or good luck is success or good things that happen to you, that do not come from your own abilities or efforts.

        e.g. I knew I needed a bit of luck to win...
        e.g. The Sri Lankans have been having no luck with the weather...

    2. 厄运;噩运;背运
        Bad luck is lack of success or bad things that happen to you, that have not been caused by yourself or other people.


        e.g. I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season...
        e.g. Randall's illness was only bad luck.

    3. see also: hard luck

    4. 运气如何?/ 没搞定?
        If you ask someone the question 'Any luck?' or 'No luck?', you want to know if they have been successful in something they were trying to do.


        e.g. 'Any luck?' — 'No.'

    5. (表示同情)真不幸,真倒霉
        You can say 'Bad luck', or 'Hard luck', to someone when you want to express sympathy to them.

        e.g. Well, hard luck, mate.

    6. 带来霉运/带来好运;不吉利/ 吉利
        If you say that something brings bad luck or brings someone good luck, you believe that it has an influence on whether good or bad things happen to them.


        e.g. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.

    7. (常指因缺钱而)遭遇厄运,时运不济
        If you describe someone as down on their luck, you mean that they have had bad experiences, often because they do not have enough money.

    8. 碰巧的运气;运气的结果
        If you say that something is the luck of the draw, you mean that it is the result of chance and you cannot do anything about it.


        e.g. The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's best players.

    9. 祝好运;祝成功
        If you say 'Good luck' or 'Best of luck' to someone, you are telling them that you hope they will be successful in something they are trying to do.

        e.g. He kissed her on the cheek. 'Best of luck!'

    10. 运气好;走运
        You can say someone is in luck when they are in a situation where they can have what they want or need.


        e.g. You're in luck. The doctor's still in.

    11. 运气总是这样坏
          If you say it is just your luck that something unpleasant has happened to you, you mean that this is quite normal because unpleasant things are always happening to you.

          e.g. It would be just his luck to miss the last boat.

    12. 运气不好;不走运;不凑巧
          If you say that someone is out of luck, you mean that they cannot have something which they can normally have.

          e.g. 'What do you want, Roy? If it's money, you're out of luck.'

    13. 没这么好运;没这个命
          You can say 'No such luck' when you want to express your disappointment over something.

          e.g. He must have been hoping for a relaxed time. No such luck.

    14. 得寸进尺;冒不明智的风险
          If you say that someone is pushing their luck, you think they are taking a bigger risk than is sensible, and may get into trouble.

          e.g. I didn't dare push my luck too far and did not ask them to sign statements.

    15. 受幸运之神眷顾;福星高照
          If you say that luck was on someone's side, you mean that they succeeded in something by chance as well as by their own efforts or ability.

          e.g. Rick seems to have had luck on his side during his 12-year acting career.

    16. 试试运气;碰碰运气
          If someone tries their luck at something, they try to succeed at it, often when it is very difficult or there is little chance of success.

          e.g. She was going to try her luck at the Las Vegas casinos.

    17. 希望;但愿;运气好的话;一切顺利的话
          You can add with luck or with any luck to a statement to indicate that you hope that a particular thing will happen.

          e.g. We'll have a long talk and a good cry and then with any luck we'll both feel better.

    18. pot luck -> see pot

    相关词组:luck out


    1. 好运;幸运;侥幸
        Luck or good luck is success or good things that happen to you, that do not come from your own abilities or efforts.

        e.g. I knew I needed a bit of luck to win...
        e.g. The Sri Lankans have been having no luck with the weather...

    2. 厄运;噩运;背运
        Bad luck is lack of success or bad things that happen to you, that have not been caused by yourself or other people.


        e.g. I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season...
        e.g. Randall's illness was only bad luck.

    3. see also: hard luck

    4. 运气如何?/ 没搞定?
        If you ask someone the question 'Any luck?' or 'No luck?', you want to know if they have been successful in something they were trying to do.


        e.g. 'Any luck?' — 'No.'

    5. (表示同情)真不幸,真倒霉
        You can say 'Bad luck', or 'Hard luck', to someone when you want to express sympathy to them.

        e.g. Well, hard luck, mate.

    6. 带来霉运/带来好运;不吉利/ 吉利
        If you say that something brings bad luck or brings someone good luck, you believe that it has an influence on whether good or bad things happen to them.


        e.g. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.

    7. (常指因缺钱而)遭遇厄运,时运不济
        If you describe someone as down on their luck, you mean that they have had bad experiences, often because they do not have enough money.

    8. 碰巧的运气;运气的结果
        If you say that something is the luck of the draw, you mean that it is the result of chance and you cannot do anything about it.


        e.g. The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's best players.

    9. 祝好运;祝成功
        If you say 'Good luck' or 'Best of luck' to someone, you are telling them that you hope they will be successful in something they are trying to do.

        e.g. He kissed her on the cheek. 'Best of luck!'

    10. 运气好;走运
        You can say someone is in luck when they are in a situation where they can have what they want or need.


        e.g. You're in luck. The doctor's still in.

    11. 运气总是这样坏
          If you say it is just your luck that something unpleasant has happened to you, you mean that this is quite normal because unpleasant things are always happening to you.

          e.g. It would be just his luck to miss the last boat.

    12. 运气不好;不走运;不凑巧
          If you say that someone is out of luck, you mean that they cannot have something which they can normally have.

          e.g. 'What do you want, Roy? If it's money, you're out of luck.'

    13. 没这么好运;没这个命
          You can say 'No such luck' when you want to express your disappointment over something.

          e.g. He must have been hoping for a relaxed time. No such luck.

    14. 得寸进尺;冒不明智的风险
          If you say that someone is pushing their luck, you think they are taking a bigger risk than is sensible, and may get into trouble.

          e.g. I didn't dare push my luck too far and did not ask them to sign statements.

    15. 受幸运之神眷顾;福星高照
          If you say that luck was on someone's side, you mean that they succeeded in something by chance as well as by their own efforts or ability.

          e.g. Rick seems to have had luck on his side during his 12-year acting career.

    16. 试试运气;碰碰运气
          If someone tries their luck at something, they try to succeed at it, often when it is very difficult or there is little chance of success.

          e.g. She was going to try her luck at the Las Vegas casinos.

    17. 希望;但愿;运气好的话;一切顺利的话
          You can add with luck or with any luck to a statement to indicate that you hope that a particular thing will happen.

          e.g. We'll have a long talk and a good cry and then with any luck we'll both feel better.

    18. pot luck -> see pot

    相关词组:luck out

    luck 情景对话


    A:Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.

    B:Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.


    A:Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?

    B:You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.

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